Sunday, December 30, 2012

Letting go

It's very difficult. I'm really struggling when it comes to winter accessories. Leggings, hats, scarves, gloves. I just can't let go :( I don't wear the stuff, but it's so cute it's hard to let it go. However, it is just sitting around not being worn. One of the scarves was a gift from Daniel's mom. It's wearable, but not my ideal style. Maybe I'll just hang onto it until I move out. Or see if my sister wants it. Another one is a white one with cute ends from J. Crew. I thrifted it, but I know it was probably pricey when it was in store. I just gotta think about I guess.

I  have some flared jeans which I don't really want, but I wear them for work. Cause skinny jeans look kind of stupid with what I have to wear for work. I'll probably get rid of them when I get a different job.

Friday, December 28, 2012

In denial

I'm so in denial Christmas is over. I don't want it to be over! I've been buying discounted Christmas stuff for next year. I bought a few ornaments, some string for wrapping presents, and a white mini tree. Shame on me cause I bought the white version of the tree I already have. I realized this year that you can't see the ornaments because Daniel and I chose to do black and silver ornaments. The black ornaments just kind of fall into the dark green. The green tree I have has fiber optic lights built into it which I don't like. Which means, unfortunately the white one also has the lights built in. I wanted a white tree with out lights built in, but $7.50 was hard to pass up. I feel a little guilty cause I've been buying ornaments all December. But I know that we'll have our own real tree next year with no ornaments to put on it! And as soon as I go to look for them next year, I have a feeling I won't be able to find any good ones.

Ah I want my teapot to come in! It says it will be here Wednesday but it also says its already in Georgia so we'll see.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Just dreaming

I want a house so bad. Right now there's nothing on the market in area we want in our price range. Just short sales. I'm hoping there will be new houses after the new year.

I keep dreaming about a cute little ranch. A two story would be nice too, but a ranch would be more homey I think and energy efficient. I feel like Daniel and I will grow closer together than we already are when it's just us living together. I don't feel comfortable where I'm living now and I'm always on edge.

I can't wait to brew a cup of tea in my new sweet teapot and chill on the back porch with Daniel. Assuming I can get him out of the house. Lol. But my teapot is awesome. Well I don't have it yet. I've been wanting a white bodom electric kettle forever. But they're hard to find. I put it on my Christmas list but I didn't receive it. Daniels mom gave me money for Christmas so I used that money. We went to the mall yesterday and they actually had the big version of the kettle...for $50. But I bought it anyway. But today I decided I really wanted the 17 oz one instead. As opposed to the 1.8 liter I bought. I know I'll never brew 8 cups of hot water. The 17 oz brews 4 cups I believe and it's so much tinier.  So I went searching online and found it at zappos for $40 with free shipping. So I bought that and returned the other one. It's super cute.

I just can't wait to have friends over and have fun. Most of our friends don't come over here, because we still live at home.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas shopping is done

Man I hate Christmas shopping! I bought a lot of consumables and stuff that is actually useful for people. This Christmas season has flown buy. Daniel and I have been so consumed by looking at houses that we haven't been paying much attention to it. I'm trying to be excited but I keep getting sidetracked by wanting to have Christmas with Daniel in our own house.

We've made an offer on two houses now and no cigar. Apparently, a lot of investors are buying out all the houses in our price range to rent out. It's very frustrating. I'm not really surprised by the second house. We put in a bid for $7,000 over asking and offered to pay closing. But everything in the neighborhood was going for about $20,000 over this houses price. It sucks because at least if we knew what the houses ended up going for we'd have an idea of what were getting ourselves into but we won't find out for another month or so probably.

Friday, December 21, 2012


I can honestly say this is the first Christmas I've ever felt that I would be entirely happy if I didn't get a single thing. That makes me very happy! There are a couple things I want, but I wouldn't be upset if I didn't get them. The things I would like are a humidifier, a bodom electric kettle, and a chair for my desk from ikea. I'm probably only going to get one of those things I'm guessing. But Daniel bought me an iPhone for Christmas which I'm very happy about! I did get that early though. We also went shopping a week ago and shopped together for stuff we wanted. He bought me a Mac concealer, Mac foundation, and a couple things from lush. We also found this trash can at an antique store that I've been looking for one that style. I'm not getting it until Christmas though. So yes I have got gifts, but I also would be happy if I wouldn't have got anything.

It's such a good feeling to be able to look at websites such as urban outfitters or mod cloth and see home things that I would've loved before minimalism. Now, I see them and realize there's no value in them for me. Sure stuff is cute, but it would bring me enjoyment for like 1 day max. Then I would grow tired of it taking up space and want to get rid of it. On top of being overpriced and a waste of money. Don't get me wrong, I still lust after the perfect shower curtain or dresser. I try not to get caught up in the small trinket stuff though.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Furniture planning

So I tried to quickly explain minimalism to my mom today. Coming from living in a crowded home for the last decade or so, she didn't understand. Or she kind of put it down and made it seem unrealistic. It did make me a little sad to see her react that way, but I guess it's kind of what I expected. She jumped to the idea pretty quickly that Daniel probably wasn't on board for it. I mean he's no minimalist, but he's also grown tired of living in a crowded home and wants nothing to do with it.

Today I had to put my minimalist opinions to use today. Daniel loves to cook and he wanted a wok. I'm fine with that and I know he'll use it. So we bought one. We also found out that Daniels mom got us one for Christmas. A much nicer one. So I tried to make it pretty clear that we really didn't need both skillets. Daniel agreed too. It made me very happy he did. Well just have to take the other one back.

As far as kitchen stuff goes, there really isn't much more we need. We'd probably need a utensil sorter thing, paper towel roll, trash can, table and chairs. That should pretty much be it. We do need stuff in other areas too. I'm just gonna make a list for reference.


Table and chairs
Utensil sorter
Paper towel holder
Trash can
Small rug?

Living room:

2nd couch?
Media stand
End tables
Coffee table

Guest bath:

Shower curtain
Bath mat
Trash can
Light decor
Matching hand towels

Master bed and bath:

Bed stand tables
Bed frame or headboard (eventually)
Matching lamps

Shower mat
Hand towels
Light decor

Other :

Coat rack
Place to put shoes?

I'm sure I'm probably forgetting something. So as you can see it's not going to be super minimal, bare bones, but somewhat homey. I'd really like to do an orange theme in the bathroom, but I'm having a hard time finding the perfect shower curtain.

Sunday, December 16, 2012


Right now I'm just chilling in the basement, I just kind of felt like writing. It's so hard getting rid of clothes that you do wear sometimes. I feel like I should donate them, because I don't wear them very often. At the same time, there have been times when that particular clothing item was useful. I have a couple scarves that I think are cute, but I really don't wear them very often. I think one is J. Crew. It's a cream color, so it's neutral. I just never pick it up to wear it. I have another one that's like color blocked with brown, grey, and black. I never wear that one either, but I think it's cute.

I think I need to reevaluate the clothes in my closet. I have some pants that I feel could go. Maybe a couple jackets. I feel like I would be getting rid of those things just for the sake of getting rid of them though.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


We didn't get the house :( I'm pretty bummed, but Daniel and I prayed a lot about it and it obviously wasn't meant to be! I really wish it wouldn't have taken the wind out of my sails as much as it has. My sister and I looked earlier. We found some stuff, but nothing close to the other house.

Thursday, December 6, 2012


I've accumulated a bunch of beauty stuff again :( I decided I'm going to try and use up one thing at a time, because I think that's the most manageable way of doing it. Like I'm going to try to use up one perfume, then move onto the next. One hair product, then move onto the next.

Man I'm a hoarder when it comes to storage type stuff. I think it's the eco part of me. Like I feel like I should save old candle glass containers, because I feel like I can use them for something. Or if I buy a drink with a glass bottle I try to hang on to it and reuse it. Eventually I get rid of it, but I hate the guilt I feel about getting rid of that sort of stuff :(

I need to get rid of another pile of stuff, I just never remember it until night time when I really can't do anything about it.

No news

The realtor made it sound like we would be hearing back from the bank yesterday, but we never did.  The waiting game is driving Daniel crazy! She did write an e-mail saying she hasn't heard anything. So I guess no news isn't bad news. My cat just finally laid down so now I can actually see what I'm typing. He's so cute though. lol He's curled up on my chest now. I can't wait until we get a kitten! That won't be until we have our own place though :(

Daniel and I made some christmas cookies today. That was pretty fun, but they turned out really ugly. It was pretty funny though. It almost made it more fun.

I should probably be cleaning my room now. It's such a mess! I haven't felt like cleaning it cause I've been so worried about whether we got the house or not. I also want to decorate our mini christmas tree. I asked Daniel earlier, but he didn't feel like it so I may end up doing it myself.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


So last night around 1 am Daniel and I put in an offer on an AMAZING house! Daniel's mom goes to church with the realtor team we've been working with so they didn't mind working that late (it was actually their idea!). Yesterday was incredibly nerve wracking. We've only seen the house once (yesterday around 5 pm). There was a person their viewing the house when we got there and then about 4 other people showed up while we were there! So we had to make a move that night.

However, I feel like we stand a good chance. We are offering to pay $2,100 over asking price in cash and pay for closing costs. We'll find out today whether they accepted our offer or not. We actually got a call from the realtor this morning saying that the bank received a high number of bids and asked if we wanted to raise our bid. Apparently everyone who put in an offer received the e-mail. But we're going to keep ours the same. The realtor thought we should do the same.

But the house is amazing!! It doesn't need any work and its the perfect amount of space! It's actually a lot of space but its a good amount. It's 4 br 3 bath and a split level. The lower level is almost like a basement. It has a full bathroom and I believe 3 rooms down there. I just cannot believe how perfect it is. It has brand new carpet, new paint, new appliances (missing a fridge though), a covered deck with a tin roof (good for rainy days), new trim, white, bright, and open kitchen. I could go on. I really couldn't ask for more with this house.

Don't get me wrong I'm excited, but I'm also nervous as hell. But Daniel's mom is going to help us with bills until we get on our feet. After that I'll feel a lot less nervous. Ugh I'm so nervous right now! We're going to find out around 4 whether its ours or not. I'll be praying!

Monday, December 3, 2012


We've been looking. We're gonna try to go look at one tomorrow. There was one that Daniel was in love with, but we found out it was in a bad area. The house grew on me, but I didn't think it was perfect. It spoke to me minimalist wise because it was pretty small and was exactly the amount of space we needed. Everything was very open and it would be good for entertaining, which we plan to do. But this next house I really love, especially for the money. Daniel really likes it too. It's so bright! I love it! It's hard not to get your hopes up about stuff. This house seems perfect.

I cannot wait to move out! I will be so fricken happy! Daniel and I went looking around Home Depot and brandsmart today to get an idea of how much everything will cost. So that was fun.

Ugh I just can't wait to move on this!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


No my title doesn't mean anything. Just random keys. Looking for a house is so difficult. These houses aren't sitting anymore. The majority of the houses I see online say they're under contract. It's rather discouraging. But I mean I guess most houses get bid on. So I guess we're gonna have to get used to that. I keep trying not to look, but it's so hard. I don't want to get my heart set on something and then have it bought before we get pre approved. We're going to try to get pre approved this week possibly. We're waiting for some money to come in the bank. But we haven't received the check yet and there will probably be a 10 day hold on it.

It's all I can think about. I keep trying to get my mind off it but I can't. I just keep imagining waking up Christmas morning next to Daniel, looking at our tree, cooking up some breakfast and just relaxing in our house. Just us. I know even if we were to close today we probably wouldn't be in the house by Christmas. Maybe we would idk. I'm just so ready to start my life. I kind of have already but it's not really the same since we live with Daniel's mom.

Just gotta pray for patience and that we get a house.

Friday, November 23, 2012

House fever

I want a house so unbelievably bad. We have money for a down payment but we don't make enough income steadily (I'm guessing, we haven't tried to get pre-approved yet). That's all I can think about is getting a house. It's also kind of disappointing because the housing market is starting to turn back around and we wanted to get something before that happened. I work a double today, but I'd like to turn in at least one application. Also, Daniels mom said she would help us with bills and stuff until we get on our feet. However, I don't think that will really help us on paper. On paper, we can afford the mortgage payment, but not many bills in addition to that. And we're not looking at that pricey of houses either ($80,000-$100,000).

I can't wait until we are living on our own. I will be so happy! It sucks though because they have a lot of nice houses for cheap, but they aren't in a great area. I keep getting my heart set on these houses because of how nice they are. There is one that Daniel and I both really like. It isn't as nice as the houses in Lawrenceville (bad area). But it's still nice and it's in the city we want. It's only been on the market 12 days though and I'm scared its going to go quick.

I guess we're going to try and get pre qualified. Daniels mom has some friends who are real estate agents and I think we may try to go through them. Hopefully we can do it soon. Like within the next few days, but I keep forgetting today is Friday. I'm so excited though. I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but it's hard not to at the same time.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Nice Morning

I'm in a good mood this morning. I've got a nice cup of tea, my favorite band playing over my ihome, a nice Christmasy smelling yankee candle, my room is mostly clean and I'm just relaxing. No work today since I asked for it off. This is the first day I've been able to relax since we left off the ship. I've been extremely anxious lately. Just worried about the future I guess.

It kind of sucks when your operating system doesn't support the new versions of anything. I would buy the new one, but it sounds like you have to go through a load of crap and buy previous operating systems. Gotta love apple. It has it's pros, but it definitely has its cons too.

I have so much tea! Daniel bought me a tea box as a wedding present and it has 8 slots in it and each slot holds 8 bags of tea. I also have several boxes in addition to that. It kind of sucks though because the tea that came with the box isn't very good. :( I'm gonna make a sampler pack for my mom. I grabbed 3 of every flavor I have (probably 13 flavors). So hopefully that knocks out a chunk. There's still quite a bit left. I really want to buy some good tea that I know I'll like, but I'd like to go through some of that first. I'm out of my favorite tea and have been for quite some time. It's the chai tea from Bigelow. So freakin' good. I've really been wanting some of those teas lately with the pyramid bag. I remember those being really good. I haven't had it in probably two years.

Man I love this cold weather. It makes me so happy. I'd really love to learn to knit this winter. I tried last winter and didn't really learn that much, because I gave up. I don't even know what I want to make, but just something. I should probably shower soon. I don't feel like it, but I need to lol.

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Finally sorted through all the stuff I've been needing too. I got rid of the majority of what needs to be gotten rid of, but I'm kinda sitting on the rest of it for now. I bought some woven baskets forms target today. Man those things are expensive! I've been wanting some for probably a year or so now. I bought 2. I feel like I should've got 3 just so I would have a set (I think most people do 3). But 2 is probably a good number too. I also only really have room for 2 right now. Unless I bought a third one to out my shoes in. Then, I would have room lol. ANYWAY, I like them. Probably better than buying plastic ones. Oh yeah, I'm using them to store my winter accessories. I probably have too many scarves, but I love scarves.

I really want to get away from bath and body works. I have so many of their sprays! I have such a love hate relationship with that company. But this time I really want to stop for good, because the chemicals are so bad. I would really love to use more natural things. I felt pretty good about buying those baskets because they're not plastic. Buying natural things is difficult, but if I have the option, I would like to choose more natural materials.

Pinterest has been inspiring me lately with all the pictures I've seen of beautifully wrapped packages and gifts. I guess Target got the same idea, because they have some really cute ribbon and stuff in the dollar section. I nabbed some sticker gift tags, some red and white string, and a variety pack of string. I'm guessing its not going to go very far since everything was $1 a piece, but that's ok. I don't like hanging onto stuff like that. I've really been in the holiday spirit lately.

I'm so inspired by Vappu I think her name is at
I think I may have spoke about her before but I love her blog. Every time I read her blog I'm inspired to be more minimal and live more simply. I even probably like her better than Francine at Miss Minimalist, because Vappu is more real to me. And I love the photography on her blog. And not to mention I think she's Finnish, not sure about that though. But all around probably my role model for minimalism.

Saturday, November 17, 2012


Since the wedding, I've been really overwhelmed with all the keepsakes from the wedding. This is the first chance I've had to even go through anything. I just got back from the cruise today around 5 or so.  I tried going through it a little bit before we left, but it was paralyzing almost. I made a little progress going through stuff tonight. It'll take me a while to get back on track.

I want to travel to Scandinavia so bad. Any country or all! Preferably either Finland or Sweden. I just love their culture and design so much. Everything about those countries are cool.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


The wedding went great! It couldn't have gone better! However, I now have an overflow of wedding stuff! I'm not really sure what to do with it all. Save it I suppose.

I'm really overwhelmed with all the stuff I've been accumulating lately :( but most of it is stuff I use. I did have to get a lot of stuff for the wedding though like make up and jewelry I didn't end up using. I'll just have to go through it all when we get back from the cruise. I'm also anxious about merging rooms with Daniel. We're going to be moving into a bigger room upstairs. Right now, that room is jam packed with stuff. Ugh I don't even want to think about it. I just hope whenever we buy a house it has a walk in closet and also a basement. Cause I don't think I can convince Daniel to get rid of any of his stuff.

I guess I'll just wait until after the cruise to go through everything.

Monday, October 29, 2012

6 days!!

So in 6 days I'm going to be Mrs. McCormick! These last couple months have flown by! But I'm very excited! Really nervous though. Not about marrying Daniel but about how my make up, hair, and pictures will turn out.

I'm really looking forward to the cruise too! It's gonna be so fun!

These last couple weeks have been very nerve wracking. I'll be glad when were on the cruise and can just relax.

The loose ends really have me nervous. We haven't paid for catering yet and we haven't done the paperwork with our photographer. I'm nervous about my hair not turning out as well. Oh and I have to bustle my dress myself. I tried it previously but kind of messed up. I need to try again.

It's so hard to relax when it's basically 5 days until our wedding.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Facebook promoting posts?

Bullcrap. I hate how we really just can't get away from ads and promoting. I really hope I can stick with deactivating my account when I do it.

Little House on the Praire

That series is so nostalgic for me. I've actually been rereading them (the first one anyway). I know they're mostly children's books, but they're just so entertaining to read. I mostly just love reading about how simple everything was. I'm almost jealous in a way. I know it was hard work having to basically grow or raise everything you eat. So minimal.

I've thought about it and I feel like the 80's were like the last of "simple" times. I just have watched home videos and heard stories from when my parents were married and before they were married and it just seemed so much more simple and more fun. Although the growth of technology was essential, it just seems kind of nice to live in a time when you aren't being bombarded by messages of what people are doing and their thoughts. When you didn't know what anyone else was up to unless you called them or ran into them.

I'm thinking about deactivating my facebook after Daniel and I get married. You know just to soak up all the congratulations. lol. There's really nobody I talk to on there. It's mostly just posting statuses and hoping people like them.

Monday, October 15, 2012


I'm a little irritated because I started writing this blog earlier, then I accidentally closed out of it. So lately I've been super interested in Lush products! For those of you who don't know, it's a company that makes handmade bath and body products using lots of natural ingredients. Two bad sides though, it's expensive, and a lot of their products have sulfates and parabens :( But I'm excited that I've found a consumable addiction. Not that it's good money wise. I'm just hoping that I'll spent money on this instead of bath and body works since their products have a TON more chemicals. Lush stuff is just so fun. It smells really natural. They always add fun stuff to their soaps and bath bombs.

My computer is working now! Daniel bought me a new hard drive and installed it and now it runs perfectly! :D So that's super exciting!

I've been kind of disappointed in myself though about being minimal. It used to be so easy! But now I'm really struggling with it. I think it's because I have actually regretted a few things I've gotten rid of. Also, right now I really don't have that many clothes. I'm mostly lacking in shirts. Well I still need like 1 or 2 more pairs of nice skinny jeans.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


I just feel like writing. iPads apparently are no longer fans of blogger. Every time I go to the website I get an error. Anyway, the minimal vs. non-minimal struggle between spouses has already begun and we're not even married. I'm not really surprised, nor am I complaining, just mentioning. I brought up the whisks to Daniel. He told me he doesn't want to have bare pantries. But he also told me yesterday he hates whisks. Maybe I can convince him that we can put the money towards the knife set he really wants.

I'm listening to the new Animal Collective album. It's soooo good. I really didn't get to listen to it as much as I wanted to before the concert on Sunday. That is a direct result of my hard drive crashing. Right now, I'm listening to it on Daniel's computer. I really need to put all my music on his mac, so that way I can sync my phone and actually add music to my phone. I miss my mac like crazy. After the wedding I should be able to put my money towards a hard drive.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Bridal Shower

I had my bridal shower a few days ago and it was pretty fun! However, we now have 3 measuring cups : / Daniel wants all 3. We got 2 (either 2 cup or 4 cup I can't remember) ones, and a one cup. We did get a couple other duplicates, but we already swapped those out for a gift card and spent it. lol. Oh yeah we also have 4 cutting boards : / Which I guess is our fault since we asked for all of them. lol. Oh well, we do use those and measuring cups a lot. This experience of getting gifts has been very exciting! So far we haven't received any big ticket things, which I was kind of hoping for. But the gift giving hasn't stopped yet! I'm thankful for what we've received so far. It seems like we're off to a good start without anything overly in excess besides what I already talked about. Just remembered, 3 whisks also and also our fault. I may consider taking those back I think she gave us the gift receipt. That was also on the same receipt with one of the cutting boards. I have a feeling Daniel isn't going to want to take those back.

It's pretty much getting down to the line with wedding stuff. I'm kind of worried though because there's a few key things we haven't taken care of yet: flowers, cake, and food. I think we'll get it figured out though. We kind of have to. I'm getting really, really excited. I just wish those things were taken care of.

Thursday, September 20, 2012


So I deleted my tumblr account. I never got on it much anyway. I prefer blogger since tumbler is mainly for pictures. It's rather annoying be attatched to so many different websites. If I could disconnect from all but Facebook, blogger, pinterest, instagram, and YouTube I would. Man how times have changed since even 10 years ago.

On a different note, I decided to go back to my "book of goals" thing. It turns out I function better when I have one. It also just eases my mind. I found the PERFECT notebook for it.  It's a two pack of the smallest notebook from moleskine. They're tiny, lightweight, black, AND my favorite part, the pages are perforated! So whenever I fill out a page I can just tear it out without the entire notebook coming apart! I'm wayy more excited than I should be. Lol. The notebook that I was using just wasn't working for me. The art on the pages were gorgeous. It just wasn't lined and I didn't like the openness of it. It also was big to carry around and started to come apart when I ripped out pages. I really love the new one. I don't know what I'm going to use the other notebook for yet. I may just wait until I finish the first one then use it for the same thing.

Monday, September 10, 2012


I've been inspired to be more minimal lately, but I don't really know how. Or what action to take rather. It's so annoying because I feel like I want to be more minimal, but there's really nothing else to let go of. I guess there is but I'm not allowing myself to get rid of it. I know if I do I'll just end up replacing it. I think I may have reached my "happy medium" as I'm always talking about. That's why there's nothing else to do. It's kind of frustrating, because I feel like there's still work to be done.


Man it's depressing. I spend more time on there than I should. I'm slowly realizing how much of a joke it is. Don't get me wrong, there's definitely useful stuff on there. It's just the shopping community that gets me. I just saw a youtuber on there and you would not believe the amount of candles, wax tarts or whatever they are and bath products she had. It was sickening! But then a small part of me sees it and wants to buy candles and bath products. I mean things are ok in moderation obviously. I just have to stay away from YouTube for a while. It always makes me want to buy make up too.

Then I was looking at someone I was subscribed to, a health channel, more depressing ness. I really am seeing more and more every day how excessive and obsessive people are in this country. I feel like nobody knows what moderation means!

I really need to get back to my minimalist roots and just relax. Don't worry about make up, don't worry about being über healthy. Just moderate. Have a little make up. Not a "collection" , eat healthy but don't obsess.

Saturday, September 8, 2012


With gas prices being high and Daniels 2008 car approaching 80,000 miles were trying to cut back on driving. I guess that's a good thing too because we won't be tempted to spend as much money if we're not going out as much. But it got me thinking about what there is to do at home. I'm really not a home body at all. With all the pinterest I've been doing lately I've been somewhat inspired to do crafts. But as most minimalists know, crafts really are the opposite of minimal. And are somewhat of a money pit. But I guess if you enjoy it. I always see cool stuff that can be useful. But now that I've been looking, I feel like I can't find as much. It'd be nice to go to hobby lobby and look for stuff but it's closed :(

Thursday, September 6, 2012


I just kind of feel like writing. I don't really have anything in particular to say. I'm feeling kind of sleepy. I'm thinking I may buy this phone bumper soon. They have a pastel teal color (not pictured). I just need something. I bought a cheap case a little while back and it doesn't fit on my ihome :( so I gotta get something else. I've been watching youtube thrift hauls lately, and it has me itching to thrift. I never even find anything so I don't know why I want to
ADORABLE kitchen
I've kind of been more into pastels lately. I'm kind of late to the game since summer is basically over now. I mostly like it in decor. Like this kitchen. Omg it's gorgeous. It's not my usual style, but for some reason I really like it. It's so delicate and girly.

Sunday, September 2, 2012


I'm very bored right now. I just watched a house tour not too long ago on youtube and got jealous. It wasn't particularly my style, but it made me happy watching it. I really wish I didn't have such cut and dry style. I actually really don't like only liking black and white things (for the most part). I want a style that is ok if it's not exactly like the object next to it. I want my things to look different from each other, but still connect to each other in some way. I guess I've got to try and stop being so control freak about it.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


I've missed it. And strayed from it a bit. I'm still trying to find my happy medium. It's been kind if difficult with make up. I'm trying to find stuff to wear for the wedding. Make up is such a weak spot for me. I go through phases. Sometimes I just want to buy a bunch of make up and toy with it. The problem is that it's so hard to know exactly what you are buying. So you end up buying duds. This happens to me a lot. So I always wonder if I should just keep around the stuff thinking I may use it or do I just get rid of it? I've recently bought 3 lipsticks, 1 blush, a pencil eyeliner, and liquid eyeliner. The eyeliners I know I'll use. I don't know about the lipstick. The blush is a decent color. It's such an annoying thing for a minimalist. Once I get rid of make up I want to buy it. Then I buy it and don't like it so I want to get rid of it. I'm guessing I'll just keep these around for a while.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Wedding acessories

I wish my dress would hurry up and come in the mail so I can start figuring out shoes and accessories! I guess that's what I get for ordering my dress from china! I'm really having a hard time with make up too! I hate that I'm such a perfectionist. I think for my necklace I'm going to wear my sisters pearls. But that's as far as I've got and I don't know if that is even set in stone. I bought a veil today though! From Walmart for $6! The cheapest one from David's bridal is $20 I believe and probably the same quality as the one I bought. And longer! The one from db was just a blusher or short veil. This one is 71 inches. So yeah it needs to hurry up and come in!

Saturday, August 4, 2012


So we've been talking more about the wedding and starting to take a little more action. Daniel e-mailed the venue we want and they're available for the day we want!! :D First step! Now we have to book it.

I've been looking at dresses again, I thought I was sure about what I wanted, but I wasn't. Now I think I'm on the right track. But that got me thinking. If we do book it for that day, our wedding is two months from today. Which also got me thinking, I really want to get into shape for the wedding. I mean I'm not overweight or anything, I just really want to lose like 10 pounds. Who doesn't for their wedding? Hopefully this will be the motivation I need. It has to be. I should've started today, but I didn't really think about it until a couple hours ago.

We've come to accept the idea that we may be living here when we get married. I guess I'm ok with that. I'm just tired of waiting. Once we get married, I'll feel so much better. So much less stressed. I can't wait! I've really been getting excited about it today.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


I'm proud of myself! Today I applied for another receptionist job! It's only one job, but I'm proud of myself!

On a minimalist update, I feel like I'm done getting rid of things for the time being. I'm 96% content with what I have right now. I'm still not really a true minimalist, but that's ok. As long as I'm not living in excess. There's some clothes that I'm kind of unsure about, but I'm going to hang on to them for now, because I don't have an alternative. I do need more hangers though. I have like 3 or 4 grocery bags (so they're small) of clothes sitting in my closet right now that I'm unsure about. Everything else I have sitting around is stuff that I'm saving for when we get a place that I know I'll regret if I get rid of it. I have an entire drawer full of reusable cups. It's actually only like 4, but they take up a lot of room. My luggage set, blankets, christmas stuff, keepsakes and off season clothes take up a lot of space too.

I love pinterest, but sometimes I don't know if it's a good or bad thing. It helps me figure out exactly what styles I like and it gives me inspiration, but at the same time, it makes me lust over things. Ugh. I feel like that's how all my time is spent these days is lusting over objects, which I know is horrible. There's just nothing else really to do. Daniel and I always go out to the mall, target, petsmart, thrift stores. Sometimes we go to the park, but we haven't since it's been hot. I know that time should probably be spent looking for jobs. I could also read. I've pretty much given up on art. It just doesn't do it for me anymore. I probably just need more friends.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


So my sister keeps hounding me about when I'm going to get my tattoo. I think she wants to get one too. But I think I decided I want to get my feather tattoo when I get a real job. It will be like a permanent pat on the back to myself.

I hate how unmotivated I am. I really wish I could change that about myself. I have plenty of reasons to be motivated, but I just can't get myself to do it. Maybe once Daniel gets a job I'll be more motivated. It looks like he may have luck with a new place, but we'll see.

I want it to be fall so fricken bad! I'm so over this hot weather and ready for it to cool down. I just love fall so much. It really puts me in the best mood. I can't wait to wear pea coats ( I have got to buy a new one), drink hot tea, sit outside, drive with the windows down, open my windows in my room, go out for doughnuts in the morning, go to starbucks. That sounds so amazing right now. I think some sort of like apple cinnamon tea sounds so good right now. I can't wait!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

So it's been a while!

I thought I would convert my blog over to tumblr, but I got bored of that since it's more for pictures. I've been lusting over things so badly lately. Mostly a house. I've been so lazy about looking for a job, but I have to do it! Or else we're never going to move out!

Lately I've been wanting to dye my hair dark again :/ . If I do it, I'm going to wait until after we get married so that I'll have mostly my natural color for pictures and such. I'm hoping my regrowth will be long enough for me to just dye my ponytail. Although I guess it doesn't matter now if I'm just going to dye it dark after. I guess we'll see. Everyone thinks my hair looks better dark, my sister, my friends, I'm sure Daniel probably does too, but he wouldn't admit it and honestly I wouldn't want him to. I've just been missing it. My natural color will take so long to grow out and I don't know if I even like it! Maybe I could try a natural looking red before I do it dark since that's the whole reason I didn't want it dark anymore in the first place!

Sunday, April 15, 2012


So I've been pretty busy lately with real life! Been having fun with my friend stephanie! We went looking for dresses the other day which was pretty fun. Overwhelming but fun. I haven't bought anything yet :( But I don't have any money plus I have only tried on 3 so far. I'll get something eventually.

Daniel painted my dresser for me today! I helped some, but he did most of it. It's out drying in the garage right now. I'm super happy though! Daniel doesn't think I should paint my desk too but I don't know. I can't wait to bring in my dresser!

I've been trying not to wear as much foundation and power for the last few days. I've only been putting it on "spots". I also bought a toner and moisturizer. The toner actually seems like it's helping! I bought it from a brand called simple I think. The moisturizer is for combination skin. I didn't think people with oily skin needed a moisturizer, but I don't know. I figured it was good for my skin and anti-aging.

Oh yeah my second ombre attempt was better, but still not great. I guess I'm stuck with it not being super light because if it I would've left it on any longer my hair probably would've just vaporized. Just kidding. But yeah my hair is incredibly damaged. I mean you can tell my hair is ombred, but it's still not bleached looking on the ends. Oh well. I'm kind of glad I discovered ombre hair. I think I'm going to do it at least until my roots get to be a decent length so that it will get rid of my reddish-tinted dyed hair.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Thrift Stores

Lately I've really been wanting to go shopping at a thrift store! I've been watching all these thrift hauls on youtube lately and they've really been inspiring me. The pessimist in me is like, you're just gonna buy a bunch of stuff that you're not going to wear and not want in a month. But the fashion part of me is like, do it, it's cheap and you need clothes. So we'll see. I'm just not gonna buy anything unless I'm positive I like it. Cause that's one of the feelings I hate the most is seeing something in your closet/dresser that you may have never even worn. You thought you'd give it a try and it was a waste of money and space. I won't say time though, because I've learned from my mistakes for the most part. Actually kind of time too, because you debate on whether or not you want to get rid of it, which is stressful to me. I know to start listening to Daniel about when not to buy something. Because he's been right on just about every occasion he told me not to. Daniel said we may go tomorrow even though I have work, school, and I need to study for a bit before school. We'll have to be fast. I may try to go once every two weeks or so. I just REALLY need to built my wardrobe. I'm tired of only having a few things to choose from. I know I'll hate the space it takes up, but I think it will be worth it if I feel good in an outfit.

I want to paint my dresser so bad! White of course! I asked Daniel if we could do it today, but he didn't want to. So I asked him if we could do it next weekend, so hopefully he'll want to. I still can't decide about my desk! It might be too much if my dresser is white, my comforter is white, and my walls are off-white. I wish I could paint my walls and my headboard! But they're not mine :(

Yayyy!! I just found out my favorite blogger is back from her "winter sabbatical"! I'm wayy happier than I should be!

But yeah back to thrift stores. I want to go, but I have a really big fear I'm going to start accumulating random crap again if I do! Whenever I got rid of all those boxes of stuff a year ago, probably 70-80% of it was stuff I bought from thrift stores. Sad huh? When I bought the stuff I thought it was cool. Some of it was like heh, I'll try it out see how I like it. Idk. It's probably an irrational fear since my mindset has completely changed since then. I really haven't been buying anything I regret (besides a few beauty products I've mentioned before, but I'm not super worried about those.) As far as non-consumable things. I've been pretty good! It makes me so, so happy. Because I'm saving money, time, useless effort (in searching and buying), and stress. I honestly can't remember the last "material" thing I've bought that I regret. So I don't even know why I'm worried about it! Actually I just remembered a shirt I bought right when it was getting cold. I need to try it on again, but I haven't worn it yet. Idk if that's fair though since it's a summer shirt and it's just starting to get warm. The shirt I'm talking about it like asymmetrical and it may show some of my skin on the side of my stomach, but I'm not sure. I need to try it on.

Right now I have all my clothes in my dresser, but I'm almost thinking about going back to my closet. Because if I start building my wardrobe, I won't have enough room in my dresser. At least to have it in an organized way.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


I somewhat ombred my hair! It still needs another round, but so far it looks pretty good! I'm not exactly sure why it didn't dye the upper parts of my hair as much. Because I seriously dyed from like a little below my ears to the tips. I guess I didn't apply enough bleach. I'm gonna do it again in probably in a week or two. I may keep doing this until my hair grows all the way out depending on how long the trend stays in style. My hair actually looks pretty weird in the picture, but who knows that's probably always what it looks like.

Friday, April 6, 2012,m

I can never think of titles for my blogs. I've been watching a lot of youtube lately at night, cause I've had nothing better to do. I love seeing what other people buy and how other people do things. It's like an accepted way to creep on someone if you think about it. I really wish I was more fashionable! Daniel and I went to the mall today, but we actually went shopping. His mom got me a $50 gift card for easter! woot woot! So we first went to charlotte russe and spent a good 30-45 minutes there. He actually helped me pick stuff out which I really appreciated. He actually has a decent sense of fashion. I'm really glad because I get so overwhelmed. He will like pick something up that I completely walked past and it will be decent. I however though, didn't have much luck at charlotte russe. Daniel helped me pick out like 5 shirts. I tried them all on, but I just really wasn't in love with any of them. So feeling pretty sad, we left and went to papaya. I actually had much better luck there. I only bought 4 things, but I felt they were worth it since all I ever buy are fitted t-shirts and plain tank tops. I bought a black blazer which I saw a korean girl carrying around. I always love their fashion and have been tossing around the idea of a blazer, so I found it. It has like striped sleeved on the inside, but the outside is black or navy. I think black though, I always have a hard time telling. Then I saw this light pink somewhat flowy, I guess tank top. It's pretty fancy looking and I can wear it under the blazer. I then bought this black embellished/beaded tank top that's pretty fancy as well. Then I got this sort of button up tank top with birds on it, but still not plain. All that came out to $67. Gasp! That's a lot of money for me, but I felt it was worth it to buy fancier/classier clothes. I need to just buy like one shirt every time I go to the mall, so that way it's not as expensive. I need to stop spending my money on stupid shit like snacks at gas stations and buy clothes.

I know I'll be happier if I feel good in what I'm wearing, and feel that I look good. I really would've liked to ombre my hair tonight. I would've had the perfect opportunity. I wanted to buy the bleach yesterday when we went to get crickets for Daniel's chameleon, but he forgot his wallet at home and wanted to hurry and get home. Then today we went out, but I forgot about it until after we already passed Sally's. So maybe I'll go tomorrow and do it before work. I know it's gonna fry the shit out of my hair, but I just want to do it. I'll just have to deep condition even more often. I feel like it should actually get pretty light though. I'm only going to use 30 vol developer because my hair is already really damaged and I already have some from when I did my hair red. My roots are finally starting to come in! I'd say probably 3/4 of an inch. Some of it may be regrowth from when I dyed my hair red, then dyed it ash blonde and the blonde rinsed out. I don't know if it's because of my hair or what (probably), but that ion brilliance hair dye from sally's rinses out of my hair sooo easily. Like the ash blonde was gone out of my hair within like the first week or two. I don't even know how that's possible! Oh well, I don't even need to worry about that since I'm not dying it anymore except for the ombre, which isn't technically dye.

It really sucks sometimes when you kind of have bad genes. I mean I know I could definitely be a lot worse off. I just hate how hairy I am! It really drives my crazy. Like I probably spend at least 2-3 hours thinking about it a day. I'm sure most people probably don't even notice it, but I can't look anywhere on my body without seeing it. It makes me really sad. I guess that's what I get for being Italian.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


So I'm thinking of actually ombre-ing my hair. I know I'm trying to get it natural, but the bottom of my hair is still dyed, so why not have fun with it? I was going to wait until my dark ends grew out, but then I thought, why not bleach over them? I saw a video of this girl whose hair was ombre (LINK: she had like 3 different colors: roots, old dyed hair, and ombre ends. That video convinced me to do it. I figured it would be cool and appropriate for summer. I know it will fry the crap out of my hair, but I think it will be worth it. It won't be all of my hair anyway. If I'm going to do it, now would probably be the best time to since I'm not at a serious job or anything.

Oh yeah! The other day I went to Ulta for the first time! It was pretty overwhelming with beauty products EVERYWHERE. It was awesome though. Anyway, I know what I'm getting for my b-day from Daniel! because I picked it out. hehe! He bought me the first naked pallette! It also came with either the de-slick make up setting spray or some sort of finishing powder. I picked the spray since I figured it would be easier to use up and I think it keeps oil on your face down. Which I have a problem with. I haven't actually received it yet though, since he's holding it for my birthday. Which I can't wait for! I want to buy a nice dress or something. Every girl's gotta look good on her birthday right?

But yeah, I hope to ombre my hair within the next two weeks, if I do it. I feel really anxious for some reason :( I hate that.

Monday, April 2, 2012

I've ben so proud of myself lately

I've been slipping on eating right, but I have been doing better than I was. Also, I've been running lately. Something I had been wanting to do and now I finally have. Now I gotta stick with it. I don't think it'll be hard though because I've actually been enjoying it. Whenever I don't have a cramp anyway. I mean I'm probably not even running a mile, but I gotta start somewhere.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Lately I've been pretty DGAF about my closet. It's kind of surprising since that's a spot a tend to be very ocd about. It actually feels pretty nice just to have a spot to put stuff and not get all worked up about it not being perfect. Maybe I should stick with that. I'm sure eventually I'll fix it, but lately I just haven't felt like it!

I hate how long it takes for me to use stuff up! I guess I need to try harder. It gets kind of old after a while, but I don't want to waste it! I need to give some stuff to my sister because she's almost always willing to take stuff off my hands. Cosmetic stuff anyway.

I kind of want to make an instagram account. I thought you could do it online too, but I think it may only be for the iphone. I don't ever have anything interesting to take pictures of though.

I wonder if I should do for a period of time where I don't straighten my hair (except for bangs). What I did was take a shower at night, not brush my hair, except for the top of it and brushed it back. Then I wouldn't straighten it except for my bangs and areas that were messed up the next morning. I never brushed it except for when I mentioned before. I did this my senior year for a while. Probably up until maybe 6 months ago. Well the not straightening part (or blow drying). I was so lazy then! I've gotten a lot better about giving more time for my make up and hair so I can do a better job. I could maybe do this until I grow my hair to where I want it to be then I can start cutting it semi-regularly. I heard it's good to cut your hair like 1/2 - 1 inch every 3 months. Seems reasonable. It sounds really dumb but I can't wait until my roots start growing in! I've been taking all my vitamins. I'm glad because I'm running out of biotin, but I bought some a few days ago and they made the tablets and bottle a ton smaller for the same amount of mg. Oh yeah same amount of tablets too.

I have no idea what I want for my birthday. I thought about asking Daniel for one of the naked pallets. Another part of me wants to like swear off eye shadow for a while. I haven't been wearing it lately. I just get obsessed with it and lately my make-up has actually been looking decent without it. There's a brush I want to buy from sonia ku-whatever that they sell at target. It's just like a thin little brush you can use with gel liner. I've been using just an angled brush. I feel like I'm wasting a lot of my mac fluidline with it because of how much bristle area there is. I heard about the one I want from a make-up guru. So if she thinks that brush is the best then that's what I want to use. Especially since it's only $6.

I keep getting dizzy. I'm wondering if it's because I've been so tired lately with the time change and working a ton. It's getting really annoying though.

Monday, March 26, 2012


I haven't been doing good the last couple days moneywise or foodwise! oh well, I'll get back on track tomorrow. Man I get so distracted when I write blogs now! I don't know why. Nothing to write about I guess. Omg everytime I chew this orbitz gum I keep feeling like I have a hair in the back of my throat. It's so annoying. I guess it's good I'm chewing the last piece.

I love the idea of the parisienne way of life. At least from what I've read. I wish I could live more like that. Parisienne women buy quality over quantity. It seems they buy pretty high-end things, but not a lot of them, and are classics. I just need to buy clothes. Sure it'd be nice to buy high end, but I have a problem just buying clothes at all. I always freeze up and find it really overwhelming. It could be because I always go shopping with Daniel who rushes me. I just love their classiness! I don't know how to achieve that. They live in cute little apartments and go shopping for fresh vegetables throughout the week. Sounds heavenly.

I just have this idea in mind of how I want to live and dress and decorate a house or apartment, but it seems so difficult to live out. Like I don't know what I would buy even if I had an unlimited amount of money. I'm so indecisive. I really need to do my taxes so maybe I can buy some new clothes with my return. That's what I did last time. I really need to buy some more feminine stuff this time.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Some people

I feel like some people have life figured out. I'm not one of those people. I am thankful for my life and the people in it. Life, I really think is about relationships and experiences. I, out of all people (being somewhat of a minimalist), should be able to live this. I want to, but I'm not. I will give myself the fact that it's really hard to where I am in life right now. My job is full of a bunch of high school kids for the most part. I go to a borderline community college for two classes a week with a bunch of business majors who I don't think even know they're business majors. I don't have anything in common with them nonetheless. I feel like it's so much easier for guys to make friends than it is for girls. For some reason I've always had a hard time building relationships with girls. I don't know why, but I'm just either intimated by girls my age or uninterested. I just don't have anything in common with most girls. Guys can connect over video games, guns, cars. Girls have...nothing. Music maybe or make-up? I just wish it were easier. Some people just connect with other people so easily, I wish I could do that. It's incredibly difficult for me.

I'm listening to "The World at Large" by Modest Mouse. I forgot how much I liked this song. Sometimes I just feel like the crazy writer you always see in movies and stuff. I mean not that I write about crazy things, but it seems like writers are never emotionally sound, including myself. I guess that's what fuels the writing.

I read this the other day from this website ( I found it to be incredibly accurate. So I guess I kind of understand why I am the way I am. Some people find zodiac stuff to be completely BS, but you can't ignore it when you actually compare it to yourself.

Taurus Astrology April 20 - May 20

Taurus Strength Keywords:

- Dependable
- Persistent
- Loyal
- Patient
- Generous

Taurus Weakness Keywords:

- Stubborn
- Laziness
- Possessive
- Materialistic
- Self-indulging

Taurus and Independence:

Taurus is not the one who ventures out into the unknown and leads the way, Taurus is the one that will follow the leader and strengthen and build upon the discovered, in other words they are the one that will "dot the I's and cross the T's". This perseverance is given to them by their stubborn streak. Taurus stubborn streak is what gives their independence. They like to do things their way. They are perfectly fine on being alone, this way things get done they way they want them to be done. Taurus is not a follower, but they are not the brave one either. Taurus is perfectly independent. With their perseverance, they get things done and can do quite well for themselves.

Taurus and Friendship:

A Taurus is an excellent friend. Taurus has few close friends as opposed to many acquaintances. The few people they hold dear to them are guarded and protected. Their friends are treated like family and they are fiercely loyal and dependable. Taurus loves to be the host or hostess. Although not a total social butterfly, they can be shy around strangers, the people who Taurus let into their lives are lavishly catered to when Taurus decides to throw a party, they decorate and present everything lavishly. Taurus will always pamper themselves and their close group of friends.

Taurus and Business:

Taurus is a strong business person. Taurus is the one who has immense perseverance, even when others have given up, the Taurus rages on. They have a knack for finance and their financial advice is prized. They know where money is to be made and have the ability to manipulate and set the path for their own success. Taurus are not frivolous spenders but they like to live lavishly and surround themselves with nice possessions and foods, which all adds up resulting in large spending habits. They will not spend all their money and cause their business to fail because if they do, their security and stability will be gone and this will cause them great stress.

Taurus Temperament:

Taurus are deeply sensitive, the slightest comment or negative remark will be taken personally and they can easily get offended or hurt. Their stubborn streak results in laziness. They can be very lazy when someone gives them orders or wants them to do something they do not want to do. They are not lazy when it comes to themselves,

Taurus Deep Inside:

Taurus are not fond of change. In fact, is change is imminent, they get very nervous and worried. They do not like anything new because anything new is unknown and Taurus fears the unknown. Taurus needs order in their lives and when they do not have order, they get very anxious. Taurus will cut themselves off from the unfamiliar in order to avoid the feelings of insecurity that arise when new experiences and situations are present. Taurus do not express their feelings openly and their inner self is contained and secretive. Many people do not know how sensitive Taurus really is, they hide it well. As a result, they are often emotionally hurt when the wrong things are said, they take things too personally sometimes. Taurus avoids talking about their emotions and many people never really know how they feel.

Taurus in a Nutshell:

Taurus is the one who has immense perseverance, even when others have given up, the Taurus rages on. Solid and persistent, just like the bull, which is Taurus' well suited symbol. Taurus's have a well known reputation for being stubborn, which is not necessarily a bad thing. The stubborn streak can cause Taurus to butt heads and conflict with other strong character types. Taurus are not fond of change. They like the familiar and routine comfort of life. Taurus is easy going and not one to pick a fight but should some poor souls attempt to provoke Taurus, the wrath will be known, for they have a temper underneath the calm surface. Taurus are very responsive to their surroundings. They like decorations, color, anything that appeals to all the senses. Taurus like possessions and the Taurus home is nicely decorated with lots of things. Taurus are down to earth, they do not like gaudy, flashy or over the top things. They prefer comfortable and creative settings and objects. Taurus likes security, in every aspect of their lives from home, to love, to career. Taurus can be secretive, opinionated and stingy. Taurus tend to be self-indulgent and lazy, Taurus are master procrastinators of the astrology zodiac! They do however have a strong, persistent drive that comes to life when they chose, and no one would ever know that they are lazy. The secret to this is that their laziness is pushed aside when it comes to themselves.

Taurus Love, Sex and Relationships

What it's like to date a Taurus Woman:

Taurus women are masters in the art of seduction. She will get what she wants but her patience is incredible, she will wait for what she wants She needs stability and security and will not tolerate a man who is not straight with her and leads her along with uncertainty in the future. She is the old-fashioned type, the type of woman who is associated with the drive-in soda shop days of the 60's. She is down to earth, protective, supportive, loving, devoted and loyal. She is openly affectionate in a relationship. Taurus women is perfect for the man who likes to be nurtured and pampered, providing you are loyal and devoted. She has a lot to give but she requires a lot in return. Remember, the Taurus woman is very sensitive although she might not seem so on the exterior. Court her and constantly try to impress her and you will win her heart and she will be yours. Cross a Taurus woman, and her temper will flare, she will become extremely stubborn. If you ever break her trust, it will be nearly impossible to gain it back again.

What it's like to date a Taurus Man:

The Taurus man is very sensible, he is not the man to sweep you off your feet. He is practical and down to earth. He wants a high quality woman, not a woman for one night. He will survey cautiously before he makes his approach. He is very patient when it comes to a relationship. He will survey the situation and make sure the woman has something to offer him, before he offers himself. Taurus man is a romantic man, he will put his woman on a pedestal, protect her and cherish her. Once he has chosen his woman, he will be very generous, loyal and faithful. He is not a boring man, but he is not for the woman who craves adventure and excitement. Taurus man is for the woman who craves stability and comfort, he is an incredible provider and is a very fine choice as a partner for the right woman. He is in it for the long haul so commitment is no problem for this man.

How To Attract Taurus:

Do not attempt to rush into a relationship with Taurus. They are very patient and expect you to be so too. Make them laugh, if they are amused and entertained by you, they will enjoy being with you. The way to a Taurus' heart is through their stomachs. Cook for them or offer to take them to a fine upscale restaurant. Taurus enjoy talking about finance, business, money and material possessions.

Taurus Erogenous Zone:

The throat and neck are the hot spots for any Taurus. Lightly rub the neck, kiss it gently, lick it lightly, even a soft nipple will make them melt like butter! Massage the back of the neck while you are relaxing, this relax them and set the mood for passion!

Sex With Taurus:

They are passionate lovers. They have lots of physical stamina and this makes up for the lack of variety in the sex life.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


So far I think I'm doing pretty well which I'm surprised about! Usually I would've caved by now. Although I did have a pepsi today. Also we went out to dairy queen (with a friend who invited us). Not entirely justified, but I got a turkey sandwich, and a small portion of fries and a coke zero. I feel like I can actually kind of see results though. I have a pair of jeans that I wear and usually the thighs are so tight i can't even scratch my legs, but today they had some wiggle room. They could be stretched out, but I'd like to think I lost weight. I don't really want to step on the scale. Usually when they're loose in the waist from me wearing them, the legs aren't ever baggy at all. Also it probably helps that I'm working 6 days a week. I run all over that stupid restaurant!

I've also been keeping my room clean! lol Usually with work and stuff I just throw my clothes on the ground and make-up. the last few days I've been picking everything up as soon as I make a mess. My room is seriously spotless 50% and messy 50%

I decided despite my hair being really damaged, I'm not going to cut it. I need to be patient. The shampoo I bought is doing a very good job of holding me over. I need to get into the habit of not washing it every day again.

You know if I could change two things about my personality, I would want to be less of an introvert and less of a perfectionist. I hate how shy and introverted I am. It's got in the way of making friends and it's so hard to change. I also hate how much of a perfectionist I am. I spent way too much time worrying about how I want my life to be rather than enjoying the current life I've been given. I think the perfectionist thing would be easier to change than the introvert thing. Although I've been both ways my entire life. I shouldn't want to change things about me, but they're getting in the way of me making the most of my life.

Monday, March 19, 2012

So far

So far my "crash diet for my bank account" has been working. Well I've been keeping up with it anyway. No fast food yet! We did go out on St. Patty's day, but Daniel's mom paid for it. I got fish and chips and we got chips and queso as an appetizer. Not that healthy. It tore my stomach up too in the middle of the night. Anyway! I've been eating healthier the last few days. :D and drinking a lot of water. Well more than I usually do. My skin seems like it's clearing up a bit too.

Maybe I can get Daniel to start running with me again. We ran like once. If I can get into this healthy eating I'll probably be more into exercising. Oh yeah my book came in the mail today. I was looking through it and 400 calories isn't much..I'd probably end up adding a bit more to it.


I watched this video today from one of the Luxy sisters. One of the girls (the one I personally like better) had stopped dying her hair. This is a pretty old video. I really enjoyed it though. It gave me just some extra inspiration. As if I didn't already have enough! lol. I'm just really excited about this whole experience! I know it's going to take like two years. It kind of sucks because before I was just trying to grow out my dark hair (which I've spent a year doing already.) Now I'm trying to get "virgin" hair. Part of me really wants to cut it, but I don't think I'm going to. Maybe it will grow faster if I'm not dying it. Probably not. I'm thinking of growing out my layers too. I really want more of a classy style and I can't get it with razored uneven layers all over the place.

I'm really excited about all this! If only I could make it grow faster! lol. I've been taking vitamins, so hopefully that will help. It seemed like it was helping before I did all that stuff to it.

Natural products. Hm. I was really into this for a while, but lately I haven't been as much. I just started missing the smells and the price of the more "mainstream" brands. I want to get back into it again. The shampoo I have now isn't really natural, but it doesn't have any sulfates or parabens which is good.  It is really good for your hair though. I'm a little sad because I bought some John Freida red shampoo for when my hair was red and used it like 3 or 4 times since I was washing my hair every other day (to preserve the color). So since I'm not doing my hair red now I have a ton of the stuff left! It was pretty pricey too! I tried using it one day and it seemed like my hair got more red. It could be just my imagination. I guess it will just make $16 body wash and shaving cream. Oh yeah, the "asheyness" that was saving my hair from being red is disappearing :( I used the toning shampoo today to see if it would help, but I can't really tell a difference. So now it's still pretty light reddish brown instead of ash blonde. Oh well, I'm not dying it anymore!

It's so hard because the best thing I can do right now is just forget about my hair, but I can't!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Crash diet for my bank account

Otherwise known as saving. I'm really going to try this and stick with it. For the next few months or so, I'm going to try my hardest not too buy ANYTHING non-essential. Daniel agreed to not eat fast food. We're going to try it for at least a month or so first. I'm at a good point right now as far as beauty products go. I'm not going to allow myself to buy any make-up unless I run out of something. If I run out of pencil I may try just using my mac fluidline and only that. I've got most of my spending out of my system now that I've been working more. So I think I'm ready to take a break and start saving. There's really nothing that I can think of that I "need" to buy besides essentials for right now. I may get a few new items of clothes once it gets warmer. I'm gonna have a hard time with the vending machines at school! That and fast food will be the hardest for me. I really don't even buy clothes or accessories or shoes or anything that often.

Oh yeah today I bought a bracelet I'm gonna wear when I get married! :D It's the first thing I've bought for the wedding. I figured I'd start small. I have a feeling I'm going to buy my dress last. This picture isn't mine, but looks just like it except mine has 4 rows. It looks a lot fancier on.

I've been looking at shoes online. These are what I found so far.

I probably like the first ones better, but those are online, and have a pretty high heel. The other ones are from belk and have a lower heel which will be easier to walk on. Plus they got 10 repins and 7 likes on pinterest. Where as the first ones didn't get anything. It's still early, but idk. I kind of want to get that stuff out of the way.

As far as the dress goes, I'm not really sure. I know I want gemstones on it or crystals or whatever. I would probably like a v-neck with a low back. Maybe "ruched."

Friday, March 16, 2012


Lately I've been kind of bored of the internet. Pinterest included. There's really nothing else to do either. Daniel's on his xbox, so I can't watch netflix. I'm not even in the mood for that anyway.

I want my hair to grow so bad! I want to have "virgin" hair again! Once I do (if I stick with it) it will be the first time since 6th grade! I can't believe I've been dying my hair that long. That's 9 years! I guess that's why I'm so excited about it! The color my hair turned out actually isn't even close to my natural color. It's like a shade or two darker and a lot more reddish and muddy looking. It's more brown, where as my natural color is definitely more blonde.

If I could pull off short hair, and if hair grew quicker, I would cut it.

I don't know why I like this style so much. I don't think it would even suite me. Maybe it would idk. I just I know I would regret it like 2 weeks later.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


It feels so much earlier than it really is (11:49 the clock on my blog is wrong for some reason. I tried changing it many times, but can't figure it out). I just bought that "cookbook" I was talking about the other day! I found it on ebay for $5. I think I can swing that. lol. I tried to pay my doctor's bills tonight, but the website was down. Go figure.

Daniel and I went grocery shopping today and we did really well! Everything we got was healthy except for a bag of reeses eggs Daniel threw in. lol. i realized I really am not a sweets person. I just finished a small tube of m&m's daniel's mom bought me for christmas like a week ago. I also have like 1/3 of a chocolate orange left in my dresser drawer also from christmas. That reminded me because Daniel gave me a reeses egg like 4 or 5 days ago and I haven't eaten it yet. I'm really thankful I'm not a sweets person in addition to being a greaseaholic. I'm definitely more of a pizza and fries kind of girl. I bought a 4 pack of tuna :) I don't know why I've been so into tuna lately. I've been getting it at subway lately and it's pretty good. I really want to make a tuna melt. I'm really excited about the cookbook. The internet overwhelms me! I like healthy eating, but I'm not very creative with it. Every time I go to the grocery store I never know what to buy.

I need to start bringing a tea bag to work everyday. When I bring tea to work it holds me over and makes me not want to drink soda. I'm really getting tired of working 6 shifts a week. I was originally scheduled for 7 this week until I called my manager out on it cause she tried to schedule me for a day I asked off. Then she tried to schedule me that night! But luckily she gave the shift to someone else. I am so over this job..

Monday, March 12, 2012

At school

I don't even have much to write about. I just am bored right now. I really wish the blogger iPhone app had landscape mode.

As a minimalist I keep thinking of this place that doesn't exist for me right now. A mostly empty room. I just can't stop thinking about it! My ideal room would be white. With a futon on the floor. Bare walls. Close to empty closet. Probably no desk. I don't know about a dresser. Cause I don't know where I would put my undies and such. I guess I would still have my tv and Xbox even though I don't use them much. I'd probably have a drawer thing for hobby stuff and that's it. That's pretty unrealistic though. I tried the whole wear 5 shirts thing and it sucks. If I didn't sweat a lot it would probably be ok. I really want to have less but it's so hard! I can't decide what needs to go.


So I do believe I'm finished with my hair for now. It's not perfect, but it's good enough. It turned out kind of dark, despite the fact I got light ash blonde. Oh well. It's definitely manageable. I'll probably take a picture soon, but not tonight. Now I just have to wait for it to grow. I haven't cut it yet, but it needs to be cut. I'm thinking of just going to fantastic sam's or something and getting like and inch cut off cause it needs to happen. I realllly don't want to but I need to.

I'm in a good mood today. Something good happened but I don't want to say what it is in case it falls through.

On another note, I went and bought a few somewhat healthy goodies today. :) I went to the dollar tree in buford (a big one) and bought 2 bags of almonds, ranch sunflower seeds, banana chips, I think some trail mix, wheat crackers, and this hot sauce the girl from youtube I've been watching likes. From wal-mart, they had this 5 snacks for $5 thing. I would describe them, but it's really hard to. Some healthy, some not. There's this thing you youtube girl was talking about I want to try. She was talking about mixing tuna fish with that hot sauce and adding some sort of seasoning to it and then putting it on crackers. That way I wouldn't have to use mayo and it could be a lot healthier. Oo I just thought of somethings. Adding sweet relish to the tuna also could be good.  There's a book I want to buy (pictured left) I found it for like $8 somewhere, but I need to pay off some doctor's bills first. I was flipping through it the other day at a bookstore at it seemed pretty good. The ideas weren't too hard to put together which I liked. That's what turns me off to a lot of cook books is the cooking part I guess lol. I like just being able to throw things together without having to cook them, if you get what I mean (ex. tuna fish and crackers).

I getting frustrated with my room again. Well I guess I could say I'm frustrated with myself. I'm just never satisfied with my amount of things :( it's like the opposite of consumerism. I'm not even sure what it is I want to get rid of right now in particular. I just know I want there to be less. I want to buy some of those storage boxes from ikea. I think it would settle me some. There's so many things I want to change right now, that I just have to be happy with because I have no choice. I really wish my mattress was on the floor. I hate it being up so high. It makes me feel stuck up.

I just thought of a new way to store my jewelry. I saw it somewhere and thought it was my style, but I already had a way of storing my jewelery. The necklace holder I have though looks better as a decoration than it does as a necklace holder. So maybe I'll store my jewelry that way, and just use that thing is a decoration.

Oh yeah one thing I have a lot of are bags. There's these two purses I've been debating on getting rid of that are just huge! I think I had a post about them when I first started this blog. They're both cute, but just not useful to me because of how big they are. I don't think I've used them once since I wrote that blog a year ago, so it may be time to get rid of them. Or at least one.

Another thing that seems like it's been getting in my way a lot lately is hobby type things. I don't want to get rid of them, but each hobby has some big container associated with it. My knitting has a big bag, my sewing stuff goes in a big sewing kit, my lomo camera has a big bag to itself, and my watercolors have a metal basket thing. I have this three drawer thing I left at my moms house, but I'm thinking of taking it back and using it for that. It's funny because I don't actually do any of these things on a daily basis. A real minimalist would get rid of them, but I can't do it. I don't really want to.

I know I actually don't have that much stuff. It's just the way my room is. Stuff that people would store in an attic such as luggage, a mini christmas tree, ornaments for said tree, keep sakes, winter clothes, vases and some kitchen wear (teapot, reusable cups, 1 food storage container) are all stored in my room rather than in an attic. I wish I could put my stuff in another room, but I can't :( .

Whenever Daniel and I have a house I actually kind of want a 3 bedroom with a basement. I would like one room for myself. It would be mostly empty of course. I would use it as a craftroom/yoga room.  I'd have a desk and maybe a bookcase, but besides that (and craft stuff) It would be empty. Then Daniel can have the basement or the other room, or both maybe for his music and media and stuff. I really want some storage area though. I need somewhere to put those things I was talking about or else I'll go crazy. I have got to get rid of that pile of stuff! Maybe I'll do it next time I go to my moms. I'm giving the dvd's to them. And the vases. I just need to get it away from me.

I want the naked pallets so bad. I think that's what I'm going to ask Daniel for for my birthday. Well one anyway lol.