Monday, March 12, 2012


So I do believe I'm finished with my hair for now. It's not perfect, but it's good enough. It turned out kind of dark, despite the fact I got light ash blonde. Oh well. It's definitely manageable. I'll probably take a picture soon, but not tonight. Now I just have to wait for it to grow. I haven't cut it yet, but it needs to be cut. I'm thinking of just going to fantastic sam's or something and getting like and inch cut off cause it needs to happen. I realllly don't want to but I need to.

I'm in a good mood today. Something good happened but I don't want to say what it is in case it falls through.

On another note, I went and bought a few somewhat healthy goodies today. :) I went to the dollar tree in buford (a big one) and bought 2 bags of almonds, ranch sunflower seeds, banana chips, I think some trail mix, wheat crackers, and this hot sauce the girl from youtube I've been watching likes. From wal-mart, they had this 5 snacks for $5 thing. I would describe them, but it's really hard to. Some healthy, some not. There's this thing you youtube girl was talking about I want to try. She was talking about mixing tuna fish with that hot sauce and adding some sort of seasoning to it and then putting it on crackers. That way I wouldn't have to use mayo and it could be a lot healthier. Oo I just thought of somethings. Adding sweet relish to the tuna also could be good.  There's a book I want to buy (pictured left) I found it for like $8 somewhere, but I need to pay off some doctor's bills first. I was flipping through it the other day at a bookstore at it seemed pretty good. The ideas weren't too hard to put together which I liked. That's what turns me off to a lot of cook books is the cooking part I guess lol. I like just being able to throw things together without having to cook them, if you get what I mean (ex. tuna fish and crackers).

I getting frustrated with my room again. Well I guess I could say I'm frustrated with myself. I'm just never satisfied with my amount of things :( it's like the opposite of consumerism. I'm not even sure what it is I want to get rid of right now in particular. I just know I want there to be less. I want to buy some of those storage boxes from ikea. I think it would settle me some. There's so many things I want to change right now, that I just have to be happy with because I have no choice. I really wish my mattress was on the floor. I hate it being up so high. It makes me feel stuck up.

I just thought of a new way to store my jewelry. I saw it somewhere and thought it was my style, but I already had a way of storing my jewelery. The necklace holder I have though looks better as a decoration than it does as a necklace holder. So maybe I'll store my jewelry that way, and just use that thing is a decoration.

Oh yeah one thing I have a lot of are bags. There's these two purses I've been debating on getting rid of that are just huge! I think I had a post about them when I first started this blog. They're both cute, but just not useful to me because of how big they are. I don't think I've used them once since I wrote that blog a year ago, so it may be time to get rid of them. Or at least one.

Another thing that seems like it's been getting in my way a lot lately is hobby type things. I don't want to get rid of them, but each hobby has some big container associated with it. My knitting has a big bag, my sewing stuff goes in a big sewing kit, my lomo camera has a big bag to itself, and my watercolors have a metal basket thing. I have this three drawer thing I left at my moms house, but I'm thinking of taking it back and using it for that. It's funny because I don't actually do any of these things on a daily basis. A real minimalist would get rid of them, but I can't do it. I don't really want to.

I know I actually don't have that much stuff. It's just the way my room is. Stuff that people would store in an attic such as luggage, a mini christmas tree, ornaments for said tree, keep sakes, winter clothes, vases and some kitchen wear (teapot, reusable cups, 1 food storage container) are all stored in my room rather than in an attic. I wish I could put my stuff in another room, but I can't :( .

Whenever Daniel and I have a house I actually kind of want a 3 bedroom with a basement. I would like one room for myself. It would be mostly empty of course. I would use it as a craftroom/yoga room.  I'd have a desk and maybe a bookcase, but besides that (and craft stuff) It would be empty. Then Daniel can have the basement or the other room, or both maybe for his music and media and stuff. I really want some storage area though. I need somewhere to put those things I was talking about or else I'll go crazy. I have got to get rid of that pile of stuff! Maybe I'll do it next time I go to my moms. I'm giving the dvd's to them. And the vases. I just need to get it away from me.

I want the naked pallets so bad. I think that's what I'm going to ask Daniel for for my birthday. Well one anyway lol.

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