Friday, March 16, 2012


Lately I've been kind of bored of the internet. Pinterest included. There's really nothing else to do either. Daniel's on his xbox, so I can't watch netflix. I'm not even in the mood for that anyway.

I want my hair to grow so bad! I want to have "virgin" hair again! Once I do (if I stick with it) it will be the first time since 6th grade! I can't believe I've been dying my hair that long. That's 9 years! I guess that's why I'm so excited about it! The color my hair turned out actually isn't even close to my natural color. It's like a shade or two darker and a lot more reddish and muddy looking. It's more brown, where as my natural color is definitely more blonde.

If I could pull off short hair, and if hair grew quicker, I would cut it.

I don't know why I like this style so much. I don't think it would even suite me. Maybe it would idk. I just I know I would regret it like 2 weeks later.

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