Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Vitamin C thing

Well I'm currently on my second round. The first round was...ok. Wasn't entirely impressed. I watched a lot of red dye wash out, but when I looked at my hair dry afterwords, it didn't look that different. I think I can notice it a little bit. So my hair is currently up in a processing cap with this crap sitting in my hair. It really sucks I have work tomorrow morning. I work on friday too, but at night :(. This has been the worst spring break ever. I worked every day of it. 6 shifts this week. I was supposed to have yesterday off but my manager asked me to work, so I did since I'm supposed to be the m-f lunch host. My hair is super orangey. Today though I bought some "light ash blonde" dye and 20 vol processor. The ash dye is supposed to have either blue or violet pigments in it that balance out the orange. Oh yeah I guess I didn't say this, but I'm going to try and get my natural color back now. That's today's plan anyway, but we'll see how I feel in a couple weeks. I gotta scratch the itch. I like red hair, but it brings out the red in my face. Also whenever I stripped it a couple weeks ago, it got all the red out and besides the yellowey color that was left behind, it actually didn't look too bad. It seemed to have washed the red out of my face. Part of me has been tossing around the idea of doing bleach blonde hair. I probably won't do that, but for some reason I've been liking the really bleached color lately. I've never had my hair bleach blonde before. I tried dying it blonde like when I first moved here, but it looked really bad. I had no idea what I was doing and it was so orange. I know it would destroy my hard work over the last year. That's why I haven't bleached my hair yet is because how damaging it is. I want long hair and I can't get that by bleaching my hair. That's why a lot of girls with bleach blonde hair have extensions. At least I'm guessing. I don't think I could do extensions. My hair is pretty long anyway.

There's a youtuber I've really been liking lately named Tiffany.
She's really funny and I don't think she even means to be. She's really an inspiration to eat healthy. She talks about trader joe's and organic food all the time and it just makes me want to eat healthy. That's another reason I've wanted to do my hair natural lately is because it's natural. Well the regrowth would be. The bottom would just match the regrowth.

I'd like to one day stop writing about these things, but until I achieve them, they're on my mind.

I want a classier style, but I don't know how to achieve that. I'd like to dress a mixture of classy and kind of grungyish (like how I do now.) I don't know if that's even possible. I just hate having to worry about job appropriate things. It's somewhat stressful. I would've liked to do really red hair, but I just don't know with my job.

I saw a place today that I would like to apply at. It almost seemed like a godsend. It was a interior design place looking for cashiers. I would like to apply tomorrow maybe. I think they were closed when I saw it.

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