Saturday, March 17, 2012

Crash diet for my bank account

Otherwise known as saving. I'm really going to try this and stick with it. For the next few months or so, I'm going to try my hardest not too buy ANYTHING non-essential. Daniel agreed to not eat fast food. We're going to try it for at least a month or so first. I'm at a good point right now as far as beauty products go. I'm not going to allow myself to buy any make-up unless I run out of something. If I run out of pencil I may try just using my mac fluidline and only that. I've got most of my spending out of my system now that I've been working more. So I think I'm ready to take a break and start saving. There's really nothing that I can think of that I "need" to buy besides essentials for right now. I may get a few new items of clothes once it gets warmer. I'm gonna have a hard time with the vending machines at school! That and fast food will be the hardest for me. I really don't even buy clothes or accessories or shoes or anything that often.

Oh yeah today I bought a bracelet I'm gonna wear when I get married! :D It's the first thing I've bought for the wedding. I figured I'd start small. I have a feeling I'm going to buy my dress last. This picture isn't mine, but looks just like it except mine has 4 rows. It looks a lot fancier on.

I've been looking at shoes online. These are what I found so far.

I probably like the first ones better, but those are online, and have a pretty high heel. The other ones are from belk and have a lower heel which will be easier to walk on. Plus they got 10 repins and 7 likes on pinterest. Where as the first ones didn't get anything. It's still early, but idk. I kind of want to get that stuff out of the way.

As far as the dress goes, I'm not really sure. I know I want gemstones on it or crystals or whatever. I would probably like a v-neck with a low back. Maybe "ruched."

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