Wednesday, March 14, 2012


It feels so much earlier than it really is (11:49 the clock on my blog is wrong for some reason. I tried changing it many times, but can't figure it out). I just bought that "cookbook" I was talking about the other day! I found it on ebay for $5. I think I can swing that. lol. I tried to pay my doctor's bills tonight, but the website was down. Go figure.

Daniel and I went grocery shopping today and we did really well! Everything we got was healthy except for a bag of reeses eggs Daniel threw in. lol. i realized I really am not a sweets person. I just finished a small tube of m&m's daniel's mom bought me for christmas like a week ago. I also have like 1/3 of a chocolate orange left in my dresser drawer also from christmas. That reminded me because Daniel gave me a reeses egg like 4 or 5 days ago and I haven't eaten it yet. I'm really thankful I'm not a sweets person in addition to being a greaseaholic. I'm definitely more of a pizza and fries kind of girl. I bought a 4 pack of tuna :) I don't know why I've been so into tuna lately. I've been getting it at subway lately and it's pretty good. I really want to make a tuna melt. I'm really excited about the cookbook. The internet overwhelms me! I like healthy eating, but I'm not very creative with it. Every time I go to the grocery store I never know what to buy.

I need to start bringing a tea bag to work everyday. When I bring tea to work it holds me over and makes me not want to drink soda. I'm really getting tired of working 6 shifts a week. I was originally scheduled for 7 this week until I called my manager out on it cause she tried to schedule me for a day I asked off. Then she tried to schedule me that night! But luckily she gave the shift to someone else. I am so over this job..

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