Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Lately I've been pretty DGAF about my closet. It's kind of surprising since that's a spot a tend to be very ocd about. It actually feels pretty nice just to have a spot to put stuff and not get all worked up about it not being perfect. Maybe I should stick with that. I'm sure eventually I'll fix it, but lately I just haven't felt like it!

I hate how long it takes for me to use stuff up! I guess I need to try harder. It gets kind of old after a while, but I don't want to waste it! I need to give some stuff to my sister because she's almost always willing to take stuff off my hands. Cosmetic stuff anyway.

I kind of want to make an instagram account. I thought you could do it online too, but I think it may only be for the iphone. I don't ever have anything interesting to take pictures of though.

I wonder if I should do for a period of time where I don't straighten my hair (except for bangs). What I did was take a shower at night, not brush my hair, except for the top of it and brushed it back. Then I wouldn't straighten it except for my bangs and areas that were messed up the next morning. I never brushed it except for when I mentioned before. I did this my senior year for a while. Probably up until maybe 6 months ago. Well the not straightening part (or blow drying). I was so lazy then! I've gotten a lot better about giving more time for my make up and hair so I can do a better job. I could maybe do this until I grow my hair to where I want it to be then I can start cutting it semi-regularly. I heard it's good to cut your hair like 1/2 - 1 inch every 3 months. Seems reasonable. It sounds really dumb but I can't wait until my roots start growing in! I've been taking all my vitamins. I'm glad because I'm running out of biotin, but I bought some a few days ago and they made the tablets and bottle a ton smaller for the same amount of mg. Oh yeah same amount of tablets too.

I have no idea what I want for my birthday. I thought about asking Daniel for one of the naked pallets. Another part of me wants to like swear off eye shadow for a while. I haven't been wearing it lately. I just get obsessed with it and lately my make-up has actually been looking decent without it. There's a brush I want to buy from sonia ku-whatever that they sell at target. It's just like a thin little brush you can use with gel liner. I've been using just an angled brush. I feel like I'm wasting a lot of my mac fluidline with it because of how much bristle area there is. I heard about the one I want from a make-up guru. So if she thinks that brush is the best then that's what I want to use. Especially since it's only $6.

I keep getting dizzy. I'm wondering if it's because I've been so tired lately with the time change and working a ton. It's getting really annoying though.

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