Thursday, March 22, 2012


So far I think I'm doing pretty well which I'm surprised about! Usually I would've caved by now. Although I did have a pepsi today. Also we went out to dairy queen (with a friend who invited us). Not entirely justified, but I got a turkey sandwich, and a small portion of fries and a coke zero. I feel like I can actually kind of see results though. I have a pair of jeans that I wear and usually the thighs are so tight i can't even scratch my legs, but today they had some wiggle room. They could be stretched out, but I'd like to think I lost weight. I don't really want to step on the scale. Usually when they're loose in the waist from me wearing them, the legs aren't ever baggy at all. Also it probably helps that I'm working 6 days a week. I run all over that stupid restaurant!

I've also been keeping my room clean! lol Usually with work and stuff I just throw my clothes on the ground and make-up. the last few days I've been picking everything up as soon as I make a mess. My room is seriously spotless 50% and messy 50%

I decided despite my hair being really damaged, I'm not going to cut it. I need to be patient. The shampoo I bought is doing a very good job of holding me over. I need to get into the habit of not washing it every day again.

You know if I could change two things about my personality, I would want to be less of an introvert and less of a perfectionist. I hate how shy and introverted I am. It's got in the way of making friends and it's so hard to change. I also hate how much of a perfectionist I am. I spent way too much time worrying about how I want my life to be rather than enjoying the current life I've been given. I think the perfectionist thing would be easier to change than the introvert thing. Although I've been both ways my entire life. I shouldn't want to change things about me, but they're getting in the way of me making the most of my life.

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