Monday, September 10, 2012


Man it's depressing. I spend more time on there than I should. I'm slowly realizing how much of a joke it is. Don't get me wrong, there's definitely useful stuff on there. It's just the shopping community that gets me. I just saw a youtuber on there and you would not believe the amount of candles, wax tarts or whatever they are and bath products she had. It was sickening! But then a small part of me sees it and wants to buy candles and bath products. I mean things are ok in moderation obviously. I just have to stay away from YouTube for a while. It always makes me want to buy make up too.

Then I was looking at someone I was subscribed to, a health channel, more depressing ness. I really am seeing more and more every day how excessive and obsessive people are in this country. I feel like nobody knows what moderation means!

I really need to get back to my minimalist roots and just relax. Don't worry about make up, don't worry about being über healthy. Just moderate. Have a little make up. Not a "collection" , eat healthy but don't obsess.

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