Thursday, September 20, 2012


So I deleted my tumblr account. I never got on it much anyway. I prefer blogger since tumbler is mainly for pictures. It's rather annoying be attatched to so many different websites. If I could disconnect from all but Facebook, blogger, pinterest, instagram, and YouTube I would. Man how times have changed since even 10 years ago.

On a different note, I decided to go back to my "book of goals" thing. It turns out I function better when I have one. It also just eases my mind. I found the PERFECT notebook for it.  It's a two pack of the smallest notebook from moleskine. They're tiny, lightweight, black, AND my favorite part, the pages are perforated! So whenever I fill out a page I can just tear it out without the entire notebook coming apart! I'm wayy more excited than I should be. Lol. The notebook that I was using just wasn't working for me. The art on the pages were gorgeous. It just wasn't lined and I didn't like the openness of it. It also was big to carry around and started to come apart when I ripped out pages. I really love the new one. I don't know what I'm going to use the other notebook for yet. I may just wait until I finish the first one then use it for the same thing.

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