Thursday, September 6, 2012


I just kind of feel like writing. I don't really have anything in particular to say. I'm feeling kind of sleepy. I'm thinking I may buy this phone bumper soon. They have a pastel teal color (not pictured). I just need something. I bought a cheap case a little while back and it doesn't fit on my ihome :( so I gotta get something else. I've been watching youtube thrift hauls lately, and it has me itching to thrift. I never even find anything so I don't know why I want to
ADORABLE kitchen
I've kind of been more into pastels lately. I'm kind of late to the game since summer is basically over now. I mostly like it in decor. Like this kitchen. Omg it's gorgeous. It's not my usual style, but for some reason I really like it. It's so delicate and girly.

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