Wednesday, November 28, 2012


No my title doesn't mean anything. Just random keys. Looking for a house is so difficult. These houses aren't sitting anymore. The majority of the houses I see online say they're under contract. It's rather discouraging. But I mean I guess most houses get bid on. So I guess we're gonna have to get used to that. I keep trying not to look, but it's so hard. I don't want to get my heart set on something and then have it bought before we get pre approved. We're going to try to get pre approved this week possibly. We're waiting for some money to come in the bank. But we haven't received the check yet and there will probably be a 10 day hold on it.

It's all I can think about. I keep trying to get my mind off it but I can't. I just keep imagining waking up Christmas morning next to Daniel, looking at our tree, cooking up some breakfast and just relaxing in our house. Just us. I know even if we were to close today we probably wouldn't be in the house by Christmas. Maybe we would idk. I'm just so ready to start my life. I kind of have already but it's not really the same since we live with Daniel's mom.

Just gotta pray for patience and that we get a house.

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