Thursday, February 2, 2012


Sometimes I really want to sink a lot of money into make-up, but I don't really know why. I almost never even wear eye shadow. I either don't have time for it or am not in the mood to put it on. It's usually because I don't have time though. Consumerism maybe. Maybe it just seems right? I just hate holding onto things "just in case". If I don't use it now, then I don't want it, but I know that will bite me in the ass at some point. I know there's definitely better ways I could use money. I don't know, just something I'm thinking about. I still never really used my christmas money for clothes. I need to. Right now it's just been cushion so I'm not running around with less than $40 in my bank account. I guess I'll just save it for now. Which is what I should be doing anyway. Saving it now is good for my future. Which is much more important than eye shadow.

Daniel and I have been talking about our futures lately as far as jobs go. In a way, I kind of like what we've been talking about. Almost kind of a big fuck you to the business world, and doing stuff we enjoy instead. Ex. me cutting hair or something like that and him maybe going to culinary school. Us getting a small house (mostly me with that one), traveling. We were just talking about how pointless it is to spend so many hours a week working to buy things that we don't even have time to enjoy. Cars, fancy clothes, designer sunglasses. Not worth it to me. I'd much rather spend the money traveling. Daniel was also saying he kind of admires the europeans for not working as much as we do over here. We both just hate how society sees people who don't have super high paying jobs. Lazy. More isn't always better. Our culture tells us to want more. Yeah we have a better economy for it, but it's not practical or realistic. People think they need more, but they really don't.

Now I don't know if we're going to completely rule out business (probably not), but we're both just toying with the idea.

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