Saturday, February 11, 2012


So yeah I decided not to take a picture of my stripped hair. I didn't feel like washing my face and all that since I had just woke up. I dyed my hair and came to a conclusion. Unless I bleach my hair (which I'm not going to do) I'm just going to have to grow it out. It actually seemed like it would take the right shade. However, after reading the reviews for the stripping stuff I think I know why it happened. The stuff shrinks the dye molecules, and when peroxide is added to it (which most hair dye does have in it, go figure) the molecules for some reason expand again...yeah. I also probably shouldn't have left it in as long as I did. I've been reading that after you strip your hair, the follicles are really open and absorb color way faster than usual. I didn't really have any way of doing that though since by the time I was done with the bottom half of my head, 10 minutes had already passed.

I'm ok with how it turned out. I like the top, but not the bottom since it's not light enough. I kind of feel like all that work was a waste of time. I mean the bottom took the red a little better, but not as well as it should have for all the time I spent on it. Oh well. What can you do?

I kind of want to cut my hair tonight. I realllllllly need to get the dead stuff off this time instead of being a wimp about it. I bought some heat protecting spray for my hair when I went to sally's. I'm really going to try hard to take care of my hair now. For all the time I spend on it, some of that should be spent making it healthy. I want to cuts the ends like and inch, take vitamins (folic acid and biotin), try not to wash it everyday and use dry shampoo instead, and then use that heat protecting stuff. I need it to be healthy so it will grow.

I'm a little nervous to go to work tomorrow. I'm sure everything will be fine since it will be like the same shade it was a couple weeks ago. I'll probably wear my hair in a high bun though.

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