Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I really need to buy some soap. I've been using my old shampoo, and I think it's breaking me out. Either that or I'm just really dehydrated (probably it). I notice a strong correlation with how much water I drink/soda I drink and the clearness of my skin. So why do I drink soda? It's my addiction :'( But yeah I need body wash.

I think it's funny how accurate astrology can be. My sign is Taurus. We're known to be very patient. It's funny because I don't really consider myself patient, but I guess I am. I just complain along the way. For example, my hair. Most girls would've bleached their hair by now. But no, I'm growing mine out. I have thought about it, but just can't bring myself to since I don't have any experience with it. I also don't want to destroy my hair. Second example, minimalism. I haven't been able to just get rid of everything at once. It's taken a lot of time. I think I'm going on 3 years now. And am still not where I want to be. I think it's taking me so long because I am still in my young years and haven't had the time to accumulate that much stuff so I'm already fairly minimal compared to other people. Although I do feel like I had more than the average person my age when I first started doing this.

I feel like I should feel more minimal than I actually do! I really don't have a ton of stuff, but it looks and feels like I do. Maybe I just need to organize my crap better.

I really want some of these things for my closet. I'm starting to not like transparent storage things just because to me it still looks like visual clutter. These things would be nice for practically everything. I would probably use it for shoes, belts, handbags. Scarves in the winter. I actually didn't really even wear any scarves this year. It never really got cold enough.

This picture is really inspiring to me. It's from Miss Minimalist's blog. It's her and her husband's bedroom at one of the houses she lived it.

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