Sunday, January 29, 2012

Dog Grooming

The other day Daniel and I went to petsmart. When we were in the checkout I looked over and saw all the dogs on the tables being groomed. I thought to myself, "huh, that actually seems like fun." I like cutting hair (my own anyway). it can't possibly be as hard as cutting human hair. I know it's completely different, but I don't know, it just seems like a really low stress job. It's got to smell pretty bad though. I'm not saying it would be a career choice, but maybe if I did actually get into it, I could open up my own business.

My hair has like almost completely faded. It's only been like one or two weeks (wtf?). Although I kept saying that I hoped it would fade. Guess I got my wish. I shouldn't have washed it everyday, but that's just how I roll. It didn't fade into a light color either :( Man I am never satisfied. Now that I've had it red, I kind of want to have it natural. Just so I can get it healthy. Next time I dye it, I may dye it my natural color. Assuming it fades enough at the top. That color in the picture should be pretty close.

I know I probably wouldn't actually do this, but I found this one girl on etsy (I think she's a shop owner as well as the model). She has an odd hair style, but I actually like it. It's actually pretty short compared to my hair now, but I just want that dark hair out soo bad! One thing I have to keep in mind too is my wedding. I have NO idea how I want to do my hair yet, but I should probably try to get it as long as possible (all layers and as if that wasn't the goal anyway). Her style is actually really thin at the bottom. I don't know if there's a way I could pull that off with long hair or not.

I've actually kind of been liking the "ombre" look lately (just found out what it's called). The girls hair is actually kind of like that. Where it's darker on top than the bottom. My hair just never looks natural no matter what I do to it. It's always so obvious that I dye my hair.

I tried dry shampoo for the first time today. It's actually not bad. i don't know if I'll go three or four days without washing my hair, but it's good for doing like every other day. I really wish we could all just snap our fingers and have our hair exactly how we want it. I'd have a lot less blog entries if that were the case! I wonder how long I should wait before dying it again. At least a month probably. I also wonder if the dye will get the red out. I hope so! It would look really weird if it didn't. There's probably no way to get the ombre look without growing out my hair.. even then it would be opposite (light on top dark on bottom). That's how it is now and it looks dumb. I need to start taking biotin again. I haven't been for a while. I could always just go to the salon, but I don't want to completely fry my hair. I also don't want to spend that much on it.

Oh yeah I added chamomile tea to my shampoo and conditioner. It's supposed to help it lighten. I'm not sure if it works on colored hair or not, but I'm willing to try it. So far I've only used it like 3 times and haven't noticed a difference yet, and probably won't until the bottles gone if I notice one at all.

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