Sunday, January 15, 2012


Since I hadn't done anything in my room in a while and had been reading some minimalist blogs, I decided to venture through my closet again. I decided to focus on my keepsakes. My over organization was costing me a lot of closet space. I was able to condense everything into one large tub. Where as before I had everything in 2 large tubs and 1 smaller sized one. I didn't even get rid of anything! I'm pretty satisfied with that. Until I can get rid of those tubs, they're still unfortunately in my closet.

On another note I think I know why minimalism has felt so hard or strenuous for me as opposed to other minimalists. A lot of them declutter from their adult life on. I've read many blogs that mentioned their old high school belongings in their parents basement. I don't have those, well many anyway. Those are what I've been working so hard to get rid of. It's not easy. However, I know it's easier for me now than it would've been when I'm in my 40's going through things. Hopefully I won't regret doing so in the future. I haven't yet.

I'm so happy to have my keepsakes down to one box! Oh yeah I forgot to mention 2 of my sculptures didn't fit in the box and under the bed they went. One of them I don't even like that much. The other one is the typical panty hose sculpture, but with painting on it and I actually really like the painting. It's unfortunate that the shape is so awkward.

I still have that stupid pile of things in my closet I need to make my mind up about. I don't know why it's taking me so long. Half of it is stuff that I know I want to get rid of, but I'm not going to take to goodwill because I may be able to get money for them. Another fraction of it is vases that I need to take to my mom's but feel guilty about. But she'll probably use them before I do. And I would like them back one day, but not until we have our own apartment or house. That pretty much leaves a few items of clothes I need to decide on, the media shelf thing Daniel won't take, and that lamp.

You know ever since I started my "journey" I thought I would have sooo much time to be creative and work on art. But I really haven't had the urge to. I think my interests have just changed. Obviously I would love to paint and draw but I just am never in the mood to do it. I can't explain how much I wish I was! Oh well. Maybe it will come back one day.

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