Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My outbox

Yes. My outbox. The pile looks a lot bigger than it does in the picture. This is all the stuff that I've been referring to when I say the stuff in my attic. I want it all gone so bad. I'm going to try to have the garage sale this weekend. As of right now, I'm not really prepared for it. All I really have done for it is pulling it out of my attic. This stuff is really stressing me out.

I have a lot of stuff going on lately. I quit my job. I need another one but haven't started looking yet. I don't really feel like talking about that though besides what I've already said. Buttt my parents who I thought were getting a divorce just put an offer in on a house that is about 50 minutes from where I live now. The house is smaller but it needs A LOT of work. It's in pretty crappy shape. I guess they're going to try to rent my house out. We have potential renters already thanks to my neighbor. I will not be moving in with my family though. I will move in with Daniel. I'm kinda nervous. Mostly because I will be living with his mom also and I am a very shy, keep to myself kind of person. Also, I feel like the room I'll be staying in won't really be mine. I'm hoping to atleast get an empty closet. I think I'd be a lot more excited if all my outbox stuff was gone. I would donate it, but I really need the money. On top of that, it's not junk. It's decent stuff, it's just stuff I can live without. I just can't believe I have this much stuff! How did this happen? I'm only 20 years old. Thrift stores I guess. A lot of it is from thrift stores so I really won't completely be out the money. I just cannot express how badly I want that stuff gone! I don't even want to bring it inside after the garage sale. I want to bring it straight to goodwill after.

I know I may seem upset about this stuff being here and I am, but another part of me is happy. Me getting rid of this stuff will make me finally feel like a real minimalist. Sure I may not only own 100 things or less, but I will be living with what I need and love. I've just worked so hard and still don't feel like one. Just a little bit longer I guess. That reminds me. I've actually been working on my inventory and have been for quite some time. I've been counting just about every single thing. Besides clothes (although I do have a photo inventory) and individual documents. I'm not done yet though. Also, I don't number like most do. I number my things by categories. I guess if I had less I wouldn't need categories but oh well.

I feel like me becoming a minimalist has taken longer for me than it has other people. Based on blogs anyway. Oh well as long as it's happening I guess. Also I'm glad it's now and not after I've got two kids and a 3,000 square foot house.

Man I just want to get out of the house I'm in so bad! My mom has spoiled me by moving just about every 4 years. Also I feel kind of dumb for just now realizing this but we are just now coming up on our 4th year living here, not 5th. We got into our house like right on July 2nd or 3rd in 2007 cause I remember we were trying to find something to do for the fourth of July here. Anyway I've just kind of grown to hate this house and the size of it. It's impossible to clean. I'm overwhelmed that I have an attic in my room. I was happy at my last house because I had a normal bedroom. The house before that in Louisiana I had a bathroom in my room. Part of me liked it and part of me hated it. It was just dirty since before we lived bought it. I'm getting grossed out thinking about it. I'll be looking forward to that when I live with Daniel too. My room is gonna be tiny which I'm excited about. Unfortunately I don't think I'll be able to fit my desk. I'll have to have room for a dresser and my tv stand. So I guess my desk will just have to patiently wait in the basement until we move out. Honestly I could probably live without it, but I'm not going to. I pretty much only use it for the little storage it has. It's not comfortable to sit there. Wow I just realized I've spent like an hour writing this blog entry. Alright well I guess I've blabbed enough.

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