Friday, July 22, 2011

Feeling kind of bored

I really want to go through my clothes! Oh well I guess I'll be able to in a couple of days. I really need a hobby. I bought an xbox, but idk I need a game that I really like for it. Games are so expensive!

Before, my minimalist goal was to live what what I need and love, nothing more. I think my needs and loves are changing though. I'm realizing that I am obsessed with living this way. Almost to the point where I'm not really living. I think I need to get rid of more clothes. Like maybe only keep 40-50 items (not including intimates and pjs). I'm just wasting so much time doing this! It's honestly getting frustrating. But then another part of me thinks: what else would I be doing if I wasn't doing this? Probably tv, computer, making art that frustrates me. Maybe it's not wasting my time I don't really know. I just know I want to be at a point where I don't have to go through things. I just want there to be nothing to go through.

The stuff remaining now is stuff that I feel I cannot simplify anymore. I have a lighter, flashlight, goo gone, empty wall plug in air freshener, wallets. For my wallets I have 4. One that I'm currently using and love. It's like a metal cigarette case. The second one I have is one my now passed grandmother gave to me which is actually really minimal. It's small, black, and leather. The third is a vera bradley wristlet I got from Daniel's mom for christmas last year (I think it was around $30). The fourth is an anime character wallet. Sounds lame I know but the character is Totoro and it's my favorite movie from child hood. I still watch it sometimes. The style is similar to this one:

If I were to get rid of one it would probably be that one. I have many sketchbooks that I don't use. Daniel bought one for me that he actually special ordered. My mom bought me one for my birthday. The other two I bought. 3 of those are small and one of the one's I bought was big. I have art supplies: water colors, prisma colors (as I mentioned many times before are expensive but I don't use them. I'd sell them if I had a buyer), markers I feel like I'll use but never do. Lots of drawing pencils, but they're all different shades. I have 2 nail polishes I bought on the cruise $10 a bottle that change color in the sun. So stupid. I should've only bought 1. I really need to stop buying stuff I'm not sure about. It's such a waste of money. I have more stuff too. Just to give you an idea of why I'm frustrated.

Well I hope to get a good portion of my stuff moved in there tomorrow and I hope to be completely done by sunday. Hopefully I'll be able to calm down then.

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