Thursday, July 21, 2011


I don't have any haters yet, but reading various blogs I know they're out there. I can't believe people are "hatin' on" minimalists!! I mean seriously? How could someone feel comfortable doing that? Minimalists don't buy things and don't have nearly the negative environmental impact as those people who are criticizing the lifestyle. What is wrong with not wanting to buy things?! It really disgusts me that people criticize a lifestyle that is causing ZERO harm. I hate that people are doing it (hating) because it's against what capitalist society tells us.

People also think we're doing it to be trendy. Seriously?? I'm 20 years old and I'm not doing it to be trendy. I don't even tell people I'm doing this besides on my blog! Even then I don't have any followers and I don't try to promote my blog. I have the link at the bottom of my facebook page, and I believe I wrote 1 or 2 notes about it on facebook. That's it. Nobody even knows I'm trying to live my life like this besides Daniel, and anyone who reads this blog. I don't even talk to my family about it. Also, I wanted to live like this for a few years now (probably about 6 or 7 to trace it back to the earliest days) BEFORE I even knew there was a name for it. I honestly thought I had some weird form of OCD. Then I found Miss Minimalist's blog who answered all my questions and pretty much told me it was ok to live like this and that there are people out there who do too. So maybe some people out there do it to be trendy, but I'm definitely not. Living with less honestly makes me happy. Sorry for the rant, but I just cannot believe people out there.

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