Sunday, July 24, 2011

Well tomorrow's the big day!

I'm just about all moved into Daniels. The only thing that's really left here is my furniture, a few changes of clothes, my toiletries and the things in my dresser. I'd take pictures but with the giant wall of stuff in my room to go I think I'll pass until all the furniture is gone. Because it's not that impressive. My closet on the other hand is completely empty and lovely to look at. Ah I love empty space.

It's so weird like without my furniture the room (new) is so empty. I have a few reusable grocery bags full of stuff but most of it is stuff that will be going back in my dresser. I don't know why I took it out of there I just did. It's such a good feeling though. I feel like all my hard work is finally paying off. I can't wait to see the finished product. I feel like it will still not look cluttered even when my furniture is in there. I hope to take some pictures before I start unpacking.

At the same time I'm kind of feeling the shock of moving and the shock of not needing to declutter much more. I'm keeping all the pieces of furniture I have, so that aspect isn't going to change. I'm just scared I'm not going to have anything to do. Mostly since Daniel and I spend almost all of our away from home time at the mall and stores (however I rarely even buy anything). I came up with a list of things I'd like to do that don't involve buying anything (kind of).

Cook better/more/healthier
work out/yoga
hang out with family
learn keyboard? Probably not but who knows.

Even now I almost never buy anything. I'm just going to feel like shopping is completely off limits after this for some reason. Even though I don't really buy anything now. I guess I'm just scared I won't have anything to do. Also I won't be sleeping there until monday because they're getting their AC unit replaced. I haven't even been able to "unpack" because of how hot it's been up there (upper 90s). So I'm just gonna wait.

It's so easy to get wrapped up in feeling like I need more. I was browsing some dorm decor website and was looking at all the products these people wanted. I started feeling like I need more decor. But luckily I realized that I was just getting wrapped up in the moment. I'm the standard minimalist that loves bright, white rooms with no decor so I know I'd regret buying something as soon as I did. That's just how I work.

Man I can't wait for fall. I love boots I have a black suede pair and a brown pair. I love scarves too! Is it weird that I'm getting excited about wearing the same fall clothes over and over? Who knows maybe I'll change my mind once I do it, but right now it sounds exciting! I'm pathetic lol.

I want to buy a nice big white orchid for my desk when I move in. I used to have one, but my mom kinda took over and ended up taking it. Now she has a collection of probably 15 orchids that never bloom. My desk will be directly across from the window so I'm hoping it will get enough sun. I'm not sure how bright it gets in there.

I'm trying to get used to the idea of not having satellite for my tv. I need to buy a cable so that I can watch netflix from my computer. If I had xbox live i'd be able to watch it, but I don't. And it's expensive. Ugh. I shouldn't need live to watch netflix. Oh well. More creativity time!

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