Wednesday, July 20, 2011


So I was talking to my mom this morning and she pretty much gave me the go ahead to move in with Daniel this weekend! We were talking about their new house and the subject of me moving came up. She asked when I was going to move in with him. She knew that I have brought a few things over already. I told her I wanted to move in this weekend but I wasn't sure. So she asked me why and I told her because I felt bad for leaving her. But she told me not to feel bad and that she understands. She told me that when we was my age she was already married to my dad. She actually had me at 21 (pretty scary cause I'll be 21 next year). It makes me feel better. Also, she's almost never home. I really never see her. The only time I really see her is a few days a week before she leaves for work. So I'm not going to torture myself by living here in this dirty house. Hopefully Daniel will be willing to help me move some stuff today. The hardest part is going to be moving my dresser and my desk. I'm not bringing my bed since they have one. If we were to completely move me in one sitting I honestly think it would only take 2 hours at the very most. I'm not going to "pack" anything because A) everything is either in a bin or in a drawer B) the only stuff remaining besides that is clothes really C) because he lives like 7 minutes away from me.

The bad part is there's still going to be that giant pile in my room. Since my family is moving, they're going to have a huge garage sale so I'm just going to wait for that. Also, I have my art in that pile. The pile consists of stuff that needs to go, stuff that I don't really have a place for so I'll probably get rid of it but I still need to go through it, and my art that needs to be either photographed and thrown out or kept. So still more work to do unfortunately. :(.

I'm really hoping I'm going to lose weight and save money by living there. ALL my money goes to fast food. (no wonder it's so easy to be a minimalist for me). I never have food in my house. So I spend all my money eating out and therefor gaining weight. His mom offers to buy us food all the time at their house but we just never tell her what to buy so she doesn't buy anything. (I don't blame her the food would just go bad.) Also the saving money part, I kinda need to get a job before I can save money lol. I still have some from my last 2 paychecks, but I need a job soon.

I'm kinda stressed cause my tuition isn't paid yet. I owe about $500 even after my scholarship which is supposed to pay for everything. My mom will pay for that I'm hoping. I need textbooks and I need a job. When that stuff is taken care of I'll feel a lot better.

It's weird writing a post in the day time because I almost always write blogs after midnight. lol

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