Saturday, July 23, 2011

For me

So after reading various blogs I came to realize that my blog isn't really your standard blog. It's not full of challenges, advice, or questions for my audience. It's about my minimalist journey. For me this blog is like a public diary, except only on one topic. So if it's annoying to read about myself I completely understand. I believe I said this in the beginning, but this blog is for me. I'd probably make it private, but in the back of my head I'd like to think someone is reading it. I may even delete it (but save the posts for myself) when I'm done. Just thought I'd share that.

Lately I've been thinking about clothes a lot. I really want to go through my wardrobe. Just a few more days. I know there's stuff in there that I can eliminate that I had initially wanted. However, I really want less. I realized where the bulk of my clothes are and that's in short sleeve shirts. I'm guessing I probably have about 30. I've just kinda been obsessed with the idea of only having a few items of clothing in each category and replacing them either when they wear out, or after 6 months if I'm tired of them. Kind of a disposable wardrobe if you will. I tend to go through shirts fast. When I like a shirt I wear it a lot. *Gross alert* Unfortuantely, I kind of have over active sweat glands and am not treated for it or anything. So all my shirts get deodorant burned into them when they are in the dryer. It really sucks. So this idea appeals to me. Usually I'll have shirts that sit in my closet because they're my favorites. But they have that problem so I just end up getting sad because I can't wear them.  I really want to replace the shirts I have. I know there's like 5 of them that need to be replaced.

I also have a few t-shirts that I'm not sure what to do with. I have concert shirts that I'm going to keep and probably not count. Mostly because they're keepsakes and I don't even really wear them. Then there's t-shirts that Daniel likes on me, but I'm not crazy about. I guess I can get rid of those. I just want clothes that I won't feel bad about disposing of when I'm done with them.

Today I was kind of bad and bought some storage things. The first thing I bought was a $3 pencil case thing. I really like it. It's black, zips, and is this hard rubbery type material. Similar to like a camera case, but longer obviously. I want to either use it for make-up, pens and pencils (although I have a desk), or my art pencils. All of these things are already being stored in some way, but I just couldn't pass it up because it's my style. I'm leaning towards make-up for it. The second thing I bought was under the bed storage bag things. They were 2 for $5 and pretty big (atleast 30" in length I can't remember the width). I plan on using one for winter jackets and scarves and the other one for bigger bags I have. I actually bought a purse holder clip thing that goes on a closet door yesterday. However, I don't think my bigger bags will look right/be too heavy for the system.

Since my current bed is a mattress on the floor, I'm going to be an American and take advantage of the under the bed space in my new room. Not because I don't have room in my closet, but because I want to keep my closet as empty as possible. There's no point in storing winter clothes in my closet when it's 95 degrees out. My new closet is unfortunately a little bigger than the one I have now. Haha to think how many women would think I'm crazy for saying that. I just want to be able to see everything I have. As opposed to being shoved in the dark corners of the closet. Mostly because I'm kind of OCD and if I can't see it in a glance, then I will keep revisiting it to see if I can get rid of anything.

Once I'm done with clothes I'm going to tackle jewelry. I don't have a ton, but I almost never wear any of it. I'm sure my mom will want a decent amount of it. I have a hard time finding jewelry that looks right on me. :( Then Maybe sketchbooks after that. I only really want 2. My big one and the little one Daniel had special ordered for me.

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