Sunday, July 17, 2011


So my family got that house. I've had a lot of time to think about it so I probably won't write much more about that. However, I'm going to be moving in with Daniel as I've mentioned before. In fact, I've already kind of started. I've been moving a few things over there the past few things. So far I've taken over my sweatshirts/cardigans, winter jackets, sewing box, mini Christmas tree and ornaments, and my macbook box and xbox box. I know I shouldn't even keep those. Who knows maybe I'll get rid of them one day. My mom doesn't know that I'd like to be in there by next weekend. I haven't got the heart to tell her yet. I know this is hitting her hard that I'm leaving because realistically I won't be living with her ever again. Not only that but my rebellious, slob sister wants to move in with her 15 year old BF (she's 18). Let's see how well that works out. So that leaves my brother who is 16.

Then again she can't really be surprised. My house is so dirty and I'm a neat freak. Nobody in my house picks up after themselves not even my mom. Also she is never home. I seriously go 2-3 days without seeing her all the time. Mostly it's just me, Daniel, and my brother at my house. On top of that we like to watch Netflix alot, but it's very hard to in my house. My brother will play world of warcraft and "watch" netflix while we're trying to give our full attention to something on netflix. The internet is unbearably slow and is seriously interrupted atleast 10 times for a one hour show. It gets really old.

I am very excited about the room I'm moving into! It's tiny, has practically white walls (they're a little off white compared to the ceilings), no attic, and blinds! I like blinds I just don't have them. It didn't take me long to figure out how I want to arrange everything :D What I'm having a hard time with is my room here. You can probably guess that I yet again did not have my garage sale. So there is a huge pile of junk in the middle of my room. I could move it all back in but that would be a huge pain. With that a mess it's really hard to keep up with the rest of it. My room is disgusting right now. I'm trying to figure out if I can reduce any more before I move over there and it's VERY difficult when my room looks like this. It's honestly exhausting me mentally to a great degree.

On top of that I've decided to get my keepsakes box (which is one of those huge plastic bins) and my art bin. I think I've finally hit that point as a minimalist that I'm ready to photograph most of my pieces. Now I just need to do it.

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