Saturday, July 30, 2011

So I finally figured out my interior style!

Scandinavian! It's a mixture of minimalism, black, white, woodsyness, and some color! I always thought my style was modern, but there was something about it I didn't like. I liked the minimalness, the black and white, but it's just too "clean". The lines are too clean. Scandinavian style is the perfect blend of all my styles! I feel so good knowing I've found my style :) My room may not reflect that now, maybe it does, who knows? I found the blog It's amazing.

I also made a account. You can view my pins here.


So the last few days I haven't been doing much minimalist wise. I've just been enjoying the last part of my summer and looking for jobs. I haven't had anybody call back yet. Today I'm going to apply at Bath and Body Works. Daniel's mom got me an application, but I kept screwing it up when I was writing stuff. So I'm just going to go in. Daniel's mom said they were "taking applications" which I'm not exactly sure what that means from a job's point of view. At my old job we would tell people we were taking them even when we weren't hiring. Anyway, I have a good feeling about this job for some reason. I really need something and quick because I need money for gas to get to school.

I've also been enjoying my life over here. It's so nice to walk downstairs and have a not only empty, but clean counter space. No dog pee anywhere. No body to mess up the house. My room has been spotless since I've moved in. In my old room I would mess it up a little bit then clean it, but here I've just been cleaning every mess as soon as I've made it. Also Daniel's mom has been very kind and welcoming to me. She's been making us meals, cookies, she bought me this really specific soda I like which is only sold at a couple places. (It's not the only one I like) She's offered to take me places when Daniel's not here. (my car is at my other house until school starts since my brother uses it for the grocery store. I know it helps my mom out). She's getting applications for me. She already told me laughing that she's not trying to get me out of the house, just help me. Which I really appreciate. It's just been nice, I'm not really used to that from my mom.

For my room, I keep wanting to declutter, but then I stop. I'm half discouraged, half content. I feel like more could still go, I just don't know what. I'm kinda stuck on jewelry. I feel like most of it can go, but I'm having a hard time doing that. I only have probably 10 necklaces, 6 bracelets, 15 rings, and like 20 pairs of earrings. I'm just guessing. It sounds like a lot but to see it doesn't look like that much.

Another part of me feels like I shouldn't be working on my room but looking for a job and enjoying the rest of my summer. I'll have time to go through stuff when school starts. At least at night.

So my vegetarian diet is starting in a few days. I'm really excited :) . I hope a lose a lot of weight. My goal weight ideally would be 110, but realistically I should go for 115. I haven't weighed myself in a while, but I'm guessing I'm a little over 130. I feel like I've gained weight since I quit my job. I haven't been moving around that much. Also at night I move around my room a lot. Well was. I haven't been moving around much. We also used to go to the mall a lot which was exercise (walking) but we haven't been doing that much. Or if we do we've only gone to like one store then left instead of walking around the whole mall. Eating vegetarian combined with yoga and physical education should make for a decent amount of weight lost.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


So I got my room all set up! :D I woke up really early yesterday and it was pretty bright so I thought it'd make a perfect time for pictures. The closet picture is from today though. Pretty sweet huh? Nothing is permanent though besides the location of the furniture. I may move some of the stuff on the surfaces around. Oh yeah in my closet I have bins and storage stuff on the left side that isn't pictured. And on the right I have bags of clothes that I wear but am considering getting rid of. I decided I may sell my stuff on ebay. It makes sense since I don't have a job. I will probably only sell clothes and accessories. We'll see. I just gotta stop being lazy and do it. It's kind of funny. Since I moved in I haven't really felt the urge to declutter. It could be because I weaned out a lot of stuff when I was unpacking (clothes). Those are what's in the bags that I can't decide if I want or not. I need to count my clothes. I started, then got discouraged for some reason. I think because the stuff was already under the limits for just about everything.

Daniel told me something very exciting and unexpected today! He wants to give up meat for a year! I was extremely surprised when he told me that since he loves meat. He also wants to not eat cheese. Maybe only once every other week. Of course I'm going to do it with him! We want to start on August 1st. I've secretly been wanting be to a vegetarian but knew it would be to hard for me to do alone. So I was VERY happy when he told me this.

I kind of want to find a pillow for my bed. Something orange. Not really minimal. I may change my mind but idk. Right now it sounds like a good idea.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

First night

Well tonight is my first night in the new diggs. I really like the way my room turned out. It's so neat and clean! I love it! I believe my room gets really sunny too. When we brought over my dresser around 3 or 4 it was very bright with the blinds open :). I've always wanted a bright white room. It's going to be a lot easier to go through my stuff at this house :) I need to get some pictures up. Too late for the empty room pictures. It was never really completely empty anyway. Hmm I bought this purse holder thing, I think I mentioned it earlier. Turns out all my bags fit in that under the bed storage bag. I'm sure I'll find some use for it. I'm thinking maybe scarves in the winter. I'm getting freaked out because my door keeps cracking a little bit. I think it has something to do with the AC. Now my cat is staring in that direction. Creepy. Anyway, I'm happy to be here. It's going to take a while getting used to since this is my first time living away from my family.

Since it's just going to be me and Daniel's mom up here at night I need to be more quiet. Hopefully, I will make more art in that time. Not much else to do besides computer. Or sleep, or read. We'll see. I should probably try to sleep soon. I have a feeling I won't be able to. I have a really hard time sleeping in foreign places. Hmm. I thought I would have more to write about. I'm just feeling kind of anxious but relaxed? It's really weird. 

Monday, July 25, 2011


Before I get started on food I'll say that I'm practically all moved in. We decided to take my dresser tomorrow since I won't even be sleeping there tonight. (air is broken). So I guess it's my last night here.

So you guys already know I eat REALLY bad. Not just fast food a couple times a week. Almost every day. I think it's starting to take a toll on me. Not just weight wise. I feel hairier. Gross I know. I could be losing my mind, but it could also be all the hormones in the meat I'm eating. I'm REALLY hoping Daniel and I can change our diet once I move in. I cannot keep living on fast food. I told him that I want to try and eat meat only 2-3 times a week. I'd like to give it up completely, but I know that's not going to happen. I really hope I can do this. The idea just kinda snuck up on me a few minutes ago.

I want to live better and care for my body better. I'm taking yoga as a class next semester so I hope that will help get me into the swing of it for me to do it on my own.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Well tomorrow's the big day!

I'm just about all moved into Daniels. The only thing that's really left here is my furniture, a few changes of clothes, my toiletries and the things in my dresser. I'd take pictures but with the giant wall of stuff in my room to go I think I'll pass until all the furniture is gone. Because it's not that impressive. My closet on the other hand is completely empty and lovely to look at. Ah I love empty space.

It's so weird like without my furniture the room (new) is so empty. I have a few reusable grocery bags full of stuff but most of it is stuff that will be going back in my dresser. I don't know why I took it out of there I just did. It's such a good feeling though. I feel like all my hard work is finally paying off. I can't wait to see the finished product. I feel like it will still not look cluttered even when my furniture is in there. I hope to take some pictures before I start unpacking.

At the same time I'm kind of feeling the shock of moving and the shock of not needing to declutter much more. I'm keeping all the pieces of furniture I have, so that aspect isn't going to change. I'm just scared I'm not going to have anything to do. Mostly since Daniel and I spend almost all of our away from home time at the mall and stores (however I rarely even buy anything). I came up with a list of things I'd like to do that don't involve buying anything (kind of).

Cook better/more/healthier
work out/yoga
hang out with family
learn keyboard? Probably not but who knows.

Even now I almost never buy anything. I'm just going to feel like shopping is completely off limits after this for some reason. Even though I don't really buy anything now. I guess I'm just scared I won't have anything to do. Also I won't be sleeping there until monday because they're getting their AC unit replaced. I haven't even been able to "unpack" because of how hot it's been up there (upper 90s). So I'm just gonna wait.

It's so easy to get wrapped up in feeling like I need more. I was browsing some dorm decor website and was looking at all the products these people wanted. I started feeling like I need more decor. But luckily I realized that I was just getting wrapped up in the moment. I'm the standard minimalist that loves bright, white rooms with no decor so I know I'd regret buying something as soon as I did. That's just how I work.

Man I can't wait for fall. I love boots I have a black suede pair and a brown pair. I love scarves too! Is it weird that I'm getting excited about wearing the same fall clothes over and over? Who knows maybe I'll change my mind once I do it, but right now it sounds exciting! I'm pathetic lol.

I want to buy a nice big white orchid for my desk when I move in. I used to have one, but my mom kinda took over and ended up taking it. Now she has a collection of probably 15 orchids that never bloom. My desk will be directly across from the window so I'm hoping it will get enough sun. I'm not sure how bright it gets in there.

I'm trying to get used to the idea of not having satellite for my tv. I need to buy a cable so that I can watch netflix from my computer. If I had xbox live i'd be able to watch it, but I don't. And it's expensive. Ugh. I shouldn't need live to watch netflix. Oh well. More creativity time!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

For me

So after reading various blogs I came to realize that my blog isn't really your standard blog. It's not full of challenges, advice, or questions for my audience. It's about my minimalist journey. For me this blog is like a public diary, except only on one topic. So if it's annoying to read about myself I completely understand. I believe I said this in the beginning, but this blog is for me. I'd probably make it private, but in the back of my head I'd like to think someone is reading it. I may even delete it (but save the posts for myself) when I'm done. Just thought I'd share that.

Lately I've been thinking about clothes a lot. I really want to go through my wardrobe. Just a few more days. I know there's stuff in there that I can eliminate that I had initially wanted. However, I really want less. I realized where the bulk of my clothes are and that's in short sleeve shirts. I'm guessing I probably have about 30. I've just kinda been obsessed with the idea of only having a few items of clothing in each category and replacing them either when they wear out, or after 6 months if I'm tired of them. Kind of a disposable wardrobe if you will. I tend to go through shirts fast. When I like a shirt I wear it a lot. *Gross alert* Unfortuantely, I kind of have over active sweat glands and am not treated for it or anything. So all my shirts get deodorant burned into them when they are in the dryer. It really sucks. So this idea appeals to me. Usually I'll have shirts that sit in my closet because they're my favorites. But they have that problem so I just end up getting sad because I can't wear them.  I really want to replace the shirts I have. I know there's like 5 of them that need to be replaced.

I also have a few t-shirts that I'm not sure what to do with. I have concert shirts that I'm going to keep and probably not count. Mostly because they're keepsakes and I don't even really wear them. Then there's t-shirts that Daniel likes on me, but I'm not crazy about. I guess I can get rid of those. I just want clothes that I won't feel bad about disposing of when I'm done with them.

Today I was kind of bad and bought some storage things. The first thing I bought was a $3 pencil case thing. I really like it. It's black, zips, and is this hard rubbery type material. Similar to like a camera case, but longer obviously. I want to either use it for make-up, pens and pencils (although I have a desk), or my art pencils. All of these things are already being stored in some way, but I just couldn't pass it up because it's my style. I'm leaning towards make-up for it. The second thing I bought was under the bed storage bag things. They were 2 for $5 and pretty big (atleast 30" in length I can't remember the width). I plan on using one for winter jackets and scarves and the other one for bigger bags I have. I actually bought a purse holder clip thing that goes on a closet door yesterday. However, I don't think my bigger bags will look right/be too heavy for the system.

Since my current bed is a mattress on the floor, I'm going to be an American and take advantage of the under the bed space in my new room. Not because I don't have room in my closet, but because I want to keep my closet as empty as possible. There's no point in storing winter clothes in my closet when it's 95 degrees out. My new closet is unfortunately a little bigger than the one I have now. Haha to think how many women would think I'm crazy for saying that. I just want to be able to see everything I have. As opposed to being shoved in the dark corners of the closet. Mostly because I'm kind of OCD and if I can't see it in a glance, then I will keep revisiting it to see if I can get rid of anything.

Once I'm done with clothes I'm going to tackle jewelry. I don't have a ton, but I almost never wear any of it. I'm sure my mom will want a decent amount of it. I have a hard time finding jewelry that looks right on me. :( Then Maybe sketchbooks after that. I only really want 2. My big one and the little one Daniel had special ordered for me.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Feeling kind of bored

I really want to go through my clothes! Oh well I guess I'll be able to in a couple of days. I really need a hobby. I bought an xbox, but idk I need a game that I really like for it. Games are so expensive!

Before, my minimalist goal was to live what what I need and love, nothing more. I think my needs and loves are changing though. I'm realizing that I am obsessed with living this way. Almost to the point where I'm not really living. I think I need to get rid of more clothes. Like maybe only keep 40-50 items (not including intimates and pjs). I'm just wasting so much time doing this! It's honestly getting frustrating. But then another part of me thinks: what else would I be doing if I wasn't doing this? Probably tv, computer, making art that frustrates me. Maybe it's not wasting my time I don't really know. I just know I want to be at a point where I don't have to go through things. I just want there to be nothing to go through.

The stuff remaining now is stuff that I feel I cannot simplify anymore. I have a lighter, flashlight, goo gone, empty wall plug in air freshener, wallets. For my wallets I have 4. One that I'm currently using and love. It's like a metal cigarette case. The second one I have is one my now passed grandmother gave to me which is actually really minimal. It's small, black, and leather. The third is a vera bradley wristlet I got from Daniel's mom for christmas last year (I think it was around $30). The fourth is an anime character wallet. Sounds lame I know but the character is Totoro and it's my favorite movie from child hood. I still watch it sometimes. The style is similar to this one:

If I were to get rid of one it would probably be that one. I have many sketchbooks that I don't use. Daniel bought one for me that he actually special ordered. My mom bought me one for my birthday. The other two I bought. 3 of those are small and one of the one's I bought was big. I have art supplies: water colors, prisma colors (as I mentioned many times before are expensive but I don't use them. I'd sell them if I had a buyer), markers I feel like I'll use but never do. Lots of drawing pencils, but they're all different shades. I have 2 nail polishes I bought on the cruise $10 a bottle that change color in the sun. So stupid. I should've only bought 1. I really need to stop buying stuff I'm not sure about. It's such a waste of money. I have more stuff too. Just to give you an idea of why I'm frustrated.

Well I hope to get a good portion of my stuff moved in there tomorrow and I hope to be completely done by sunday. Hopefully I'll be able to calm down then.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


I don't have any haters yet, but reading various blogs I know they're out there. I can't believe people are "hatin' on" minimalists!! I mean seriously? How could someone feel comfortable doing that? Minimalists don't buy things and don't have nearly the negative environmental impact as those people who are criticizing the lifestyle. What is wrong with not wanting to buy things?! It really disgusts me that people criticize a lifestyle that is causing ZERO harm. I hate that people are doing it (hating) because it's against what capitalist society tells us.

People also think we're doing it to be trendy. Seriously?? I'm 20 years old and I'm not doing it to be trendy. I don't even tell people I'm doing this besides on my blog! Even then I don't have any followers and I don't try to promote my blog. I have the link at the bottom of my facebook page, and I believe I wrote 1 or 2 notes about it on facebook. That's it. Nobody even knows I'm trying to live my life like this besides Daniel, and anyone who reads this blog. I don't even talk to my family about it. Also, I wanted to live like this for a few years now (probably about 6 or 7 to trace it back to the earliest days) BEFORE I even knew there was a name for it. I honestly thought I had some weird form of OCD. Then I found Miss Minimalist's blog who answered all my questions and pretty much told me it was ok to live like this and that there are people out there who do too. So maybe some people out there do it to be trendy, but I'm definitely not. Living with less honestly makes me happy. Sorry for the rant, but I just cannot believe people out there.


So just now I came up with a list of the amount of clothes I'm limiting myself. Normally I don't actually congratulate myself but for the first time in my minimalist journey I've been coming up with solutions that I think will work for me. The list I'm about to write is of stuff I feel like I need for essentials to my wardrobe that I don't have OR maxes for the amount of clothes I'm allowing myself.

Stuff I Need:

strapless bra
Good pairs of skinny jeans (not ripped) (2-3)
Black belt
Brown belt
good dressy black shoes


socks (14)
undies (14)
bras (6) (1 strapless)
tank tops (14)
long sleeves (10)
short sleeves (14) Atleast 5 should be dressy
dresses (8) 2-3 should be dressy
sweatshirts/cardigans (5)
coats (4)
pants (10)
shorts (6)
skirts (5)
work clothes (?)
sleep pants (2)
sleep shorts (2)
sleep shirts (4)

This is blindly setting a limit. I honestly have no idea how many of these items I have right now besides socks. Most of my clothes are at Daniels house right now, or else I'd probably count them up. Also, I don't plan on completely maxing any of these besides undies, tank tops, short sleeves, bras, and socks. Also I know my limits aren't very minimal but as of right now these are the amounts I'm comfortable with. Realistically after living like this for 6m-1y I will probably decrease my limits. I'm just going to try this for a while. Also for all I know I could be way under my limits right now. If that's the case then I'll lower my limits. I didn't include any accessories. Mostly because I'm not really worried about it. I have probably 5 scarves, 1 hat, and 1 pair of gloves. Great now I really want to count but can't.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Zero waste home

So a while back I some how stumbled across the "zero waste home". I think it's great what they're doing. Every time I see the videos or read Bea's blog (the woman who the zero waste home belongs to) I get motivated. Maybe not to stop using plastic, but to purge more. One aspect of minimalism I've kind of disliked is that women tend to disregard make up and such and stick to a really low maintenance appearance. However, Bea does not disregard fashion or make up. She looks good with owning very minimal clothes and makeup. Also, Bea's home is like my dream. I love her home and her wardrobe. Her home is very close to my own style. Her fashion style is how I would like to dress. It really inspires me to get rid of more clothes and buy more of what I like. Not only does she have an awesome very minimal wardrobe, but she buys most of it from thrift stores. It just shows me that it can be done :)

Here's some videos of them:


So I was talking to my mom this morning and she pretty much gave me the go ahead to move in with Daniel this weekend! We were talking about their new house and the subject of me moving came up. She asked when I was going to move in with him. She knew that I have brought a few things over already. I told her I wanted to move in this weekend but I wasn't sure. So she asked me why and I told her because I felt bad for leaving her. But she told me not to feel bad and that she understands. She told me that when we was my age she was already married to my dad. She actually had me at 21 (pretty scary cause I'll be 21 next year). It makes me feel better. Also, she's almost never home. I really never see her. The only time I really see her is a few days a week before she leaves for work. So I'm not going to torture myself by living here in this dirty house. Hopefully Daniel will be willing to help me move some stuff today. The hardest part is going to be moving my dresser and my desk. I'm not bringing my bed since they have one. If we were to completely move me in one sitting I honestly think it would only take 2 hours at the very most. I'm not going to "pack" anything because A) everything is either in a bin or in a drawer B) the only stuff remaining besides that is clothes really C) because he lives like 7 minutes away from me.

The bad part is there's still going to be that giant pile in my room. Since my family is moving, they're going to have a huge garage sale so I'm just going to wait for that. Also, I have my art in that pile. The pile consists of stuff that needs to go, stuff that I don't really have a place for so I'll probably get rid of it but I still need to go through it, and my art that needs to be either photographed and thrown out or kept. So still more work to do unfortunately. :(.

I'm really hoping I'm going to lose weight and save money by living there. ALL my money goes to fast food. (no wonder it's so easy to be a minimalist for me). I never have food in my house. So I spend all my money eating out and therefor gaining weight. His mom offers to buy us food all the time at their house but we just never tell her what to buy so she doesn't buy anything. (I don't blame her the food would just go bad.) Also the saving money part, I kinda need to get a job before I can save money lol. I still have some from my last 2 paychecks, but I need a job soon.

I'm kinda stressed cause my tuition isn't paid yet. I owe about $500 even after my scholarship which is supposed to pay for everything. My mom will pay for that I'm hoping. I need textbooks and I need a job. When that stuff is taken care of I'll feel a lot better.

It's weird writing a post in the day time because I almost always write blogs after midnight. lol

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I'm feeling pretty good :) I've finally developed a system that I feel will really work for me. The past week or so I've been decluttering like a mad woman. Don't get me wrong though. That stuff is still sitting in a huge pile in my room and I've been adding to it. I know there's a few things in there I may end up pulling out but for the most part it's all stuff I don't want. :)

Anyway, so I came up with this idea. I literally pull out the boxes in my closet all the time and look for stuff to get rid of. In addition I have one of those storage things that hangs in your closet with different slots and it's cloth. I'm not exactly sure what it's called but I store random items in it along with tank tops. I decided to take all the clothes out of my dresser (besides 1 drawer with undies and such) and put them in my closet and in that storage thing. Then I took all the random objects and put them in my drawers. So now my 5 drawer dresser is only using one drawer for clothes and the rest for objects. My idea was to bring those objects that I'm always going through in better sight so I can stop being so OCD about it.

However there are still those stupid bins. I have gone through them and am pretty satisfied. I just hate looking at them. In one big bin I have things such as my high school diploma, senior year book, cap and gown things along the lines of that. Irreplaceable things. In a small bin I have keepsakes. I may be able to part with some of them one day, but for now I want them. In the last bin (large) there are things that I am saving for when Daniel and I have a house together. Any minimalist would think I'm nuts. I have a french press style tea pot, a drawer organizer, 4 plastic plates in the design we want, vases. I've thought about just replacing it when we actually have a house but Daniel told me that I would regret getting rid of the stuff. I know he's right. I just have to tell myself to leave that stupid bin alone.

So as far as bins go I need to keep telling myself that there's nothing in there I need to get rid of. All that will be in my closet with that stuff (besides clothes) is the stuff I've already brought to Daniels. (Sewing box, macbook box, xbox box).

I'm pretty excited :) I'm really getting down to the nitty gritty now and it's making me so happy.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


So my family got that house. I've had a lot of time to think about it so I probably won't write much more about that. However, I'm going to be moving in with Daniel as I've mentioned before. In fact, I've already kind of started. I've been moving a few things over there the past few things. So far I've taken over my sweatshirts/cardigans, winter jackets, sewing box, mini Christmas tree and ornaments, and my macbook box and xbox box. I know I shouldn't even keep those. Who knows maybe I'll get rid of them one day. My mom doesn't know that I'd like to be in there by next weekend. I haven't got the heart to tell her yet. I know this is hitting her hard that I'm leaving because realistically I won't be living with her ever again. Not only that but my rebellious, slob sister wants to move in with her 15 year old BF (she's 18). Let's see how well that works out. So that leaves my brother who is 16.

Then again she can't really be surprised. My house is so dirty and I'm a neat freak. Nobody in my house picks up after themselves not even my mom. Also she is never home. I seriously go 2-3 days without seeing her all the time. Mostly it's just me, Daniel, and my brother at my house. On top of that we like to watch Netflix alot, but it's very hard to in my house. My brother will play world of warcraft and "watch" netflix while we're trying to give our full attention to something on netflix. The internet is unbearably slow and is seriously interrupted atleast 10 times for a one hour show. It gets really old.

I am very excited about the room I'm moving into! It's tiny, has practically white walls (they're a little off white compared to the ceilings), no attic, and blinds! I like blinds I just don't have them. It didn't take me long to figure out how I want to arrange everything :D What I'm having a hard time with is my room here. You can probably guess that I yet again did not have my garage sale. So there is a huge pile of junk in the middle of my room. I could move it all back in but that would be a huge pain. With that a mess it's really hard to keep up with the rest of it. My room is disgusting right now. I'm trying to figure out if I can reduce any more before I move over there and it's VERY difficult when my room looks like this. It's honestly exhausting me mentally to a great degree.

On top of that I've decided to get my keepsakes box (which is one of those huge plastic bins) and my art bin. I think I've finally hit that point as a minimalist that I'm ready to photograph most of my pieces. Now I just need to do it.

Friday, July 8, 2011


Not necessarily for interiors. Just kind of the style I've been feeling lately. I've got like 3 different styles. 1. Bright colors like teals and oranges 2. black and white and neutral 3. kind of dark. I've had the first 2 styles for a while but the dark, creepy, woodsy kind of style is somewhat new. Kind of breaks up my black and white "perfection" style.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Hmm. I've just been thinking a lot about clothes lately. How much clothes should a minimalist have? Do I want to have that little?

The other day I pulled all of my clothes out of my closet and sorted them into two piles: absolutely do not want to get rid of and could live without. The piles were about 50/50. Then I put the clothes that I definitely want back into my closet. Excluding tank tops and long sleeve shirts, those clothes leave about 50% of the closet free (with the hangers spaced out an adequate amount). I did go through my LS shirts and tank tops, they just didn't go into my closet). For those I have a drawer for each. Mostly because I'm not wearing long sleeve shirts right now and my tank tops are a pain to hang. It's just easier for me if they're in a drawer. On top of that I asked Daniel to sort through my clothes and figure out what he liked and didn't like out of both keep and possibly get rid of piles. (A bold move for most women probably) I figured this would help me make decisions easier. I was actually kind of surprised by the results. He liked just about everything in my possibly get rid of bin. As for my keep clothes he picked out a few items that I had kind of overlooked. They were things that weren't very flattering on me (he didn't say that but after he chose them I realized they didn't) or were old fashioned looking. Some women may find those results discouraging, but honestly I like knowing what my man likes on me and what he doesn't. Being apathetic towards basically everything kind of helped. Anyway. So now I have two piles of clothes sitting on my floor. One that I need to put back. I don't want to though cause I like the way it looks without it. lol. Who knows maybe I'll get down to that one day, but right now I'm not quite ready to get rid of them.

Oh yeah. I decided clothes wise I'm not buying anything unless I'm in love with it. I should be doing this anyway, but I've been trying to experiment with fashion. I believe every time I've bought something for that reason I've ended up wanting to get rid of it. So no more wasting money! Stick to what I love.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


So I've been looking at houses that I can't afford right now, but it's fun to look! For some reason, I keep looking at ranches. I never would've pegged myself as a ranch person, but I like them I'm realizing.
Here's a couple I've been looking at. The second is my favorite.

I just want something smaller and easy to maintain while still having room to move around. Oh yeah we'd like to get a pool too :)

My outbox

Yes. My outbox. The pile looks a lot bigger than it does in the picture. This is all the stuff that I've been referring to when I say the stuff in my attic. I want it all gone so bad. I'm going to try to have the garage sale this weekend. As of right now, I'm not really prepared for it. All I really have done for it is pulling it out of my attic. This stuff is really stressing me out.

I have a lot of stuff going on lately. I quit my job. I need another one but haven't started looking yet. I don't really feel like talking about that though besides what I've already said. Buttt my parents who I thought were getting a divorce just put an offer in on a house that is about 50 minutes from where I live now. The house is smaller but it needs A LOT of work. It's in pretty crappy shape. I guess they're going to try to rent my house out. We have potential renters already thanks to my neighbor. I will not be moving in with my family though. I will move in with Daniel. I'm kinda nervous. Mostly because I will be living with his mom also and I am a very shy, keep to myself kind of person. Also, I feel like the room I'll be staying in won't really be mine. I'm hoping to atleast get an empty closet. I think I'd be a lot more excited if all my outbox stuff was gone. I would donate it, but I really need the money. On top of that, it's not junk. It's decent stuff, it's just stuff I can live without. I just can't believe I have this much stuff! How did this happen? I'm only 20 years old. Thrift stores I guess. A lot of it is from thrift stores so I really won't completely be out the money. I just cannot express how badly I want that stuff gone! I don't even want to bring it inside after the garage sale. I want to bring it straight to goodwill after.

I know I may seem upset about this stuff being here and I am, but another part of me is happy. Me getting rid of this stuff will make me finally feel like a real minimalist. Sure I may not only own 100 things or less, but I will be living with what I need and love. I've just worked so hard and still don't feel like one. Just a little bit longer I guess. That reminds me. I've actually been working on my inventory and have been for quite some time. I've been counting just about every single thing. Besides clothes (although I do have a photo inventory) and individual documents. I'm not done yet though. Also, I don't number like most do. I number my things by categories. I guess if I had less I wouldn't need categories but oh well.

I feel like me becoming a minimalist has taken longer for me than it has other people. Based on blogs anyway. Oh well as long as it's happening I guess. Also I'm glad it's now and not after I've got two kids and a 3,000 square foot house.

Man I just want to get out of the house I'm in so bad! My mom has spoiled me by moving just about every 4 years. Also I feel kind of dumb for just now realizing this but we are just now coming up on our 4th year living here, not 5th. We got into our house like right on July 2nd or 3rd in 2007 cause I remember we were trying to find something to do for the fourth of July here. Anyway I've just kind of grown to hate this house and the size of it. It's impossible to clean. I'm overwhelmed that I have an attic in my room. I was happy at my last house because I had a normal bedroom. The house before that in Louisiana I had a bathroom in my room. Part of me liked it and part of me hated it. It was just dirty since before we lived bought it. I'm getting grossed out thinking about it. I'll be looking forward to that when I live with Daniel too. My room is gonna be tiny which I'm excited about. Unfortunately I don't think I'll be able to fit my desk. I'll have to have room for a dresser and my tv stand. So I guess my desk will just have to patiently wait in the basement until we move out. Honestly I could probably live without it, but I'm not going to. I pretty much only use it for the little storage it has. It's not comfortable to sit there. Wow I just realized I've spent like an hour writing this blog entry. Alright well I guess I've blabbed enough.