Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Went through things

So I finished going through my stuff for the most part. Man I can already tell I'm not going to want to sell that stuff. Not because I don't want to part with the stuff but because it will be a pain. If I can actually get rid of that stuff I'll be really proud of myself. I managed to fit most of my keepsakes in one big tub whereas before I had them in two boxes. I still have a lot of art that isn't in that box cause I'm not totally sure if I want to keep it or not. I feel like I've actually managed to knock out a big chunk of stuff. A lot of the storage containers I was using are more empty now, but I don't know if they'll stay that way based on the decisions I make about that stuff in "purgatory". I'm getting so distracted right now because property virgins is on.

I have such a love hate relationship with minimalism. I love living with less, but it's really hard to get rid of things sometimes. Like I have some watercolors, brushes, and paper for watercolors. However, I've used the paint twice I think. I've been imagining us getting a house and me having a craft room with a desk and room to paint. In my head, maybe then I would use the paint. I don't know if I ever will though. I guess I'll have to see.

Whenever we move in I want to buy this bookshelf type thing. I don't really know how to explain it, but it's like a cubby type thing, 3x4 and you put the little cubes in it. I think that will be perfect for craft and art storage.

Ok I think I'm done with this blog. I can't focus for crap.

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