Thursday, January 10, 2013


Do you ever just get that feeling of extreme boredom? I kind of have that right now. Daniel's super tired so he went to bed. I'm slightly tired, but not enough to sleep. Plus I know I have to work a double tomorrow. Ugh. It'd be fine if I worked the two shifts back to back but I don't. I'll get off around 2-2:30 then go back at 5 until 8:30 or so. I really wanted to take a bath tonight, but Daniels aunt is in town and I didn't know when she'd want to use the bathroom.

I think I'm going to be doing a bit of a reverse purging process when it comes to moving and unpacking. Since my room is so tiny right now. It's very overwhelming for me to be sorting through things and putting them into piles. So instead I'm going to pack up everything I have and put away the things I really want. Then consider getting rid of the other stuff. Ugh my cat is driving me crazy. I've blogged 3 times today and every time he gets in my face and rubs my hands with his head trying to get me to pet him. He was outside my room with the door closed but kept scratching at the door. Anyway. I'm so tired of not being realistic with myself and lying to myself. I keep holding onto things I'm not going to use. Things that may be my style or may be useful, but I simply don't use them There's these two purses I've had for a couple years now. I think I've wrote about them on here at least two other times. They're both very pretty and very much my style, but they're simply too big! And I know I'm not going to use them. I think it's time to let them go. I really need to sell my stuff. I'm quite lazy though, but the extra cash would be nice.

I buy too much. I always feel like I "need" stuff, like clothes for example, but I really don't. I just think I do.

I am so ridiculously curious about what the house will look like with paint and the new floors. The paint isn't too different from what we're going to do. Well except in my office room. There's a dark navy wall and light blue walls. The floors are going to be very different though.

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