Tuesday, January 22, 2013


So I'm almost completely finished packing. There are a few things I haven't because I'm either a) still using them or b) waiting for a box to put it in, since we're out of boxes right now. It feels really good though. I've been having a lot of fun doing it. Probably enjoying it more than I should be. I just love the experience of moving! most people probably don't, but there's something about it I love. Just the feeling of newness and leaving the old behind you get. I love it.

You know it's funny. I literally almost never use my desk, but am right now. What's funny about that is there's nothing on it except my ihome. laptop, and some M&M's I'm eating. I usually have a lamp and a calender in front of me. But when that stuff was there I never used the desk. But since it's almost completely clear, I feel like using it.

Today we switched over the water and gas to our names. We still have to do the electric, but we can do that online. Daniel said he'd do it tomorrow. What's good though is that the gas. water, and electric never got turned off so we aren't going to have to pay to get them turned back on.

I still can't believe this is really happening. It doesn't seem real. I wish we didn't have to do the work to the house, because I know it's going to be a couple weeks before we can actually move in. Who knows maybe Daniel will want to camp out before the work is done. Knowing him probably not, but if we're going to have to drive out to the house everyday to get the work done anyway, we may as well. Although I guess we'd save gas on the way to work if we stayed here. Anyway, this week can't pass quick enough.

It's been kind of fun going through my clothes and trying to figure out what I'll wear for the next two or three weeks. Not that I've come up with exact outfits, but just not packing the stuff that I will probably wear.

Man I'm so bored! There's never anything to do anymore. I just can't think of anything. I'm really not a tv person. And I feel like I'm tired of everything on the Internet. My rooms as packed as it can be right now so I can't do that. I'll probably end up going to bed pretty soon. Mostly out of boredom.

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