Sunday, January 20, 2013


I've just been chilling up in my room. Daniels in the basement hanging out with his friend. I'm kinda hungry. At least I think I am. I've been trying to eat healthy today and I've actually been doing well. The only meal I have left is dinner. So that's good. But besides that its been a pretty boring day.

I can't wait until my layers grow out. My hair looks so dumb right now. I need a haircut, but I really don't want to get one. Cause I don't want my hair any shorter than it is.

I decided I'm going to wait until we move before I change over my eBay and paypal information. It just makes sense. So that stuff I want to sell is just going to have to make the move with us. Man I can't wait to move in! I'm not looking forward to the work that has to be done. Especially since we're doing it all ourselves. I'd probably rather pay someone, but Daniel doesn't want to. I just feel like it be easier and quicker.

I'm happy because Daniel has started going through his things while packing. He's got rid of a bunch of old computer parts and stuff like that. He actually told me he wanted to start living with less which of course made me really happy! I don't know if he really wants to be a minimalist, but he does want less. At least with stuff he doesn't use or is just hanging on to. He still hasn't really packed that much in comparison to the amount of things he has. I have one big box that's packed with my stuff. A lot of my other stuff is keepsakes or off season clothing that I have stored in plastic storage containers. The other stuff are things I use frequently that don't need to be packed yet. I probably won't pack much further until the work gets done on the house. Cause there's no point really. Oh yeah I bought some of those bags that you use the vacuum to suck the air out. They seem pretty useful so far! I really don't have that many off season clothes but it does make the small amount I do have take up less space.

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