Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Inspection is tomorrow!

I'm happy it's tomorrow. It's gonna feel good to have that done with. I'm just hoping it goes well. I'm assuming it will. There really weren't any areas of concern we had just looking around. Also there's some terminix plastic things surrounding the house. So there shouldn't be any termites. There was a little concern about the house being on a flood plain. Daniels mom is going to call her home insurance company tomorrow to pull up the information. The neighborhood retention pool or whatever it's called is in the backyard of this house behind the fence. However since it hardly ever rains in Georgia and definitely never floods I'm not really worried about it. I don't think you have to buy flood insurance, but I could be wrong.

I'm trying to hard not to brag about this but I'm so damn excited. I haven't said anything on Facebook cause I'd rather wait until I have the keys in my hand. More exciting that way.

Daniel and I went to world market today because we heard they were having a sale on furniture. We saw some cool stuff, but were going to wait until we know the measurements of the house and stuff. The sale goes on until February so we have some time. Hopefully the table we want won't sell out because it was one of the cheaper ones. I doubt it will because it's pretty different and not everyone's cup of tea.

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