Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Going through things

So I'm starting to rethink my reverse getting rid of things idea. I started going through my things and I'm trying to be more aggressive with it. I've been letting myself get by for a while. But I think it's finally time to get rid of the things I've been holding on to such as my prisma color set and my two big black purses. I decided that I'm going to try to sell these things. Because I'm starting to think that's why I'm holding onto these things is because they weren't cheap. They're just weighing on me. I'm kind of taking a break at the moment cause it's starting to get overwhelming.

I went through all of my clothes and pulled out a lot of things and put them in my "minimalist purgatory" as I like to call it. I'll probably pull a lot of the stuff out, because I do wear it just not super often.

I know selling stuff is going to be a big pain, but I think it'll be worth it to get a little money back. Plus, it may be easier to get rid of knowing it will actually get used by whoever buys the item. Maybe after I get rid of these things my minimalist-ness will come back and I'll feel "lighter" again.

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