Monday, November 7, 2011

I'm sleepy

but I kind of feel like writing. not sure what about. This time change has completely got me out of sorts. I am so ready for this semester/year to be over. Although on a good note, I believe in my accounting class the material should be a lot easier than it has been :) I have a feeling I'm actually going to maybe get an A or B in accounting 2. That would be super fantastic. The hardest parts should be over. AND I got a 90 on the first test and a 76 on the second. I'm actually enthused about both because I thought I completely bombed the second one. After this semester everything should be somewhat smooth sailing. I'll have time for a better job, not have to drive as much, only 2 classes next semester (that's all that's left for my associates also they're with the same teacher. Daniel had him and loves him), since I don't have to drive as much and should have time to work more, I'll have more money! Finally. How's that for a run on sentence. I'm really excited. Also I just started thinking about new year's resolutions. Yeah it's a little early. Let's see that I can come up with. Actually I may have a different take on this. Let's see what I can accomplish before the new year. This is what I would like to have done

1. all journal entries typed ( i have been working on this, but it will definitely take some time)
2. get rid of less important keepsakes/take pictures of what I get rid of
3. purchase 1 or 2 flash drives to make sure everything is backed up (I have a portable hard drive too, but I need to be sure. This is most of my life journalized. Some of 99 through 11)
4. convert to all physicians formula make up if i can 
5. pay my library fees!! i've had them since 2008! I actually have a hold on my account now because i owe $14 (i thought the cut off was $15 but whatever)
6. maybe get rid of my "future" stuff. let's see what we need when we get there. I can't even remember what's in there. I think a lot of vases, plastic plates, and bowls.
7. take a picture of the art I don't want and get rid of it.

If I get all that done, I should be right where I want to be minimalist wise. Then I can focus on the new year living life. Trying new hobbies, working towards my future, live. I really wish I could be more motivated to do these things without meeting my "goal" but I just can't. I'm such a black and white kind of person. They way I work is I have to focus on one thing, finish it in it's entirely, and then move on to the next. I can't start something else until the other thing is done. for the most part this system works pretty well, but for other times, it's rather annoying. Like in this instance. I just become obsessed with something until it's "finished". If you can remember reading my very earliest entries with the whole lotion thing. so I hope to be done by the new year, but we'll see.

i guess it's good daniel is having a guys night tomorrow, because now I'm super motivated to do all these things. i'm so pathetic, because I'm getting so excited at the thought of all this being done.

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