Saturday, November 5, 2011


I finally started doing some stuff that I've been wanting to do for a long time. I finally scanned everything I need to (there may be some stuff I still need to but I'm pretty sure there's not.)! Also, I decided I don't want to keep any of the movies I wanted copied. I realized I literally have not watched almost any of movies more than like twice. There's no point in keeping them. If I really want to watch them, I'll find a way. So I haven't got rid of them yet, but made the decision I don't want them. All I really have to do now is get all my journal entries typed up. That's going to take a really long time. Most people would probably want to keep the paper copies, but there's not point. I haven't reread any of my journals since I wrote them. I just want a digital copy so I can ditch all the paper. All I want is the content. Not the sloppy preteen hand writing. When I get that done it will be a huge accomplishment. I know it will be very satisfying. Much more satisfying than having the paper copies laying around taking up space. The emptiness is more worth the few seconds of nostalgia I would have if I were to ever reread those journals.

You know once I decided I wanted to be a minimalist, I never thought I would want to go as far as I already have. I know I will still go further. I don't know when I'll stop. I really don't want to be one of those having only a backpack kind of people. But I still don't want a lot. I wonder what 100 things would look like? If I ever did that I wouldn't include keepsakes and photos and such. Maybe I'll try it one day. Clothes would be hard for me though. I'm guessing for my clothing items not including undies, socks, accessories, shoes things like that but jackets, pants, shirts is probably around 50. Probably less than more. I guess we'll just see what happens!

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