Tuesday, November 22, 2011


For some reason the last few days I've really been wanting a puppy/dog. Being a cat person this was a surprise for me. I just started thinking about my mom's dogs and how loyal they are. Always happy to see me, be by my side, sleep near me. Then I stumbled upon this health blog http://undressedskeleton.tumblr.com/ and saw a picture on a post she had of making organic dog treats for her dog. This is the picture from her blog that got me:

Then I started thinking: how awesome would it be to have a little cute companion to spoil? Obviously I don't want a dog just so I can make it treats. (I don't even think I'd do that). I want an animal that will come to me whenever I call it, will let me chase it (playing), play tug of war, snuggle under the blankets with me, go for rides with me, let me dress it up with cute sweaters when it's cold. A dog.

So I started researching breeds. [I would like to adopt if I can, but if not I may have to go to a breeder :( ] The dogs I were interested in were all terriers. Small, don't shed, calm. As I was researching there was one thing in the back of my head: Daniel doesn't like dogs. But I thought to myself, maybe I can change his mind. After bringing it up a few times and getting let down, I didn't give up. It wasn't so much as a surrender as it was a confusion. He didn't want a terrier. I was a little sad, but soon moved on, because I had accomplished something. I convinced him. Once we changed the criteria a little bit we found the perfect breed for us. They're called papillons. The above picture is a puppy.

They have these adorable butterfly ears and they're the perfect size! I was really surprised Daniel liked them! But I'm very happy. They're very smart. This breed does a lot of agility type things. One bad thing though. I've seen them go anywhere from $800-$2000. Also we're not getting it now besides the money since we still live with his mom. They're so cute though! I can't wait until the day comes when we can get one. I still love cats. Papillons and cats seem like they play well together which is awesome! I want one so bad!

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