Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Why do we hold onto things we don't necessarily like?

I'm kind of struggling with that now. It's a very annoying feeling. I went through the clothes I brought over and there was about half I somewhat reluctantly put in a box to get rid of. The other half I couldn't decide on. I know none of the things were the style I was going for. I just know I've worn them a lot in the past and they've been helpful. Perhaps too much because some of the things had that deodorant issue I've mentioned before. I know they're weighing on me to get rid of them, but it's hard. I don't love the pieces. I don't even necessarily feel good in them. I'll probably get rid of them. I need to analyze my clothes and think:

1. does it fit will
2. is it damaged (aka deo)
3. is it the style I'm looking for
4. do I feel good in it

If I answered no to any of those questions then I probably shouldn't keep it. Why is it so hard to let go? I think if I had a $100 gift card to buy clothes my story would be a little different. I just realized why it's hard. Because I don't know if and when I'll be able to replace the item. I'm struggling right now financially. All the money I'm making is going straight to gas. Man I need clothes so bad!! All the clothes I wear normally are starting to get the deodorant problem! oh well. Hopefully the money will start to catch up soon.

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