Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Box stuff

I ended up going through the stuff that was in that box again. I ended up deciding that I want to get rid of most of the stuff I was unsure about. I think my sister and mom will want a lot of it though. Which is good. (I don't mind if they take clothes.) I'm proud of myself for being ready to get rid of those though. It's becoming more and more easy to let go of things. I'm very happy about that. I really don't want to be attached to items. But that's very difficult. I never want to get rid of anything sentimental, I'm not that extreme. That's just taking it too far.

<minimalist rant>In my lit and film class we had to read grapes of wrath. I didn't exactly do that, but spark noted it. (that's very unlike me but the book is close to 500 pages). It's about the dust bowl and the great depression. Similar to what's going on now. I understand those people in the great depression holding on to things. It wasn't their choice to have to lose all of their possessions like it is a minimalists choice. That can be a lot more scarring. Today, many people were/are living above their means. I do not feel bad for a lot of them. The people stacked in credit card debt I feel no pity for. The people who lost their jobs and can't afford to buy their kids new school clothes, I do feel bad for them. A minimalists dream is that everyone would be a minimalist, but that's highly unrealistic, and probably bad for the economy. I just hate seeing people who feel like it's the end of the world that they may have to live in a 1,200 sq ft home instead of their 3,000 sq ft home. And yes I know there's more to it (not being able to sell the house) but for the people that it is realistic for, I wish they'd get over themselves and stop destroying their families over possessions (high credit card debt, unable to pay it off). Is it really worth your family? To me it's just idiotic. Society killed our economy. </minimalist rant>

I just wish more people would open their eyes to the beauty of minimalism. When you're on your death bed are you going to remember that designer hand bag you had or the family camping trip when it rained the whole time but you made the best of it? Live for memories and experiences not possessions.

I know it may seem like I focus on possessions a lot, and I do. I just don't have much going on right now.

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