Monday, September 5, 2011


So I just started thinking about it and I think I want to donate all that crap at the other house. A lot of complicated stuff happened that I didn't blog about because it was changing on a day to day basis. But my parents didn't end up moving into that one house. Just a lot of problems with it. Now they put in their third contract I believe on a different house. This one should be the real deal. Anyway! My stuff is still sitting at that house in my old room. Yeah they're probably going to have a garage sale soon and I should probably wait. But honestly I'm tired of waiting! I want all that stuff gone! I'm going to donate it about 4 or 5 boxes at a time. It should only take 3 or 4 trips. Another reason I don't feel like waiting is because we're going to have to help my parents move and they have soooooooooooooo much crap! It's going to be so so hard to distinguish what money is mine and keep track of everything. It's just not even worth the $20 I'd be making. I'd rather just get rid of it. A lot of it is thrift store junk anyway. I'm excited to get that weight off me. I wish I could start tomorrow but I have a lot of school stuff to do tomorrow. Maybe I'll want to stop going through the stuff I have here once that other crap is gone. Probably not, but who knows. I'm ready to do it.

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