Monday, September 5, 2011

My fantasy self

Francine aka Miss Minimalist spoke about the idea of one's fantasy self. She wanted people to compare people's fantasy selves to the way they actually are. Pretty much don't buy expensive china if you never have get togethers. Or don't buy a yoga mat and work out gear if you never have enough time to work out. Things along that nature. I wanted to kind of look at a different aspect of it so see how far off I am from being my fantasy self. My fantasy self would:

1. Probably have dark red hair without worrying about my job
2. Have straight hair every day
3. be a minimalist without obsessing
4. maybe have atleast 1 tattoo
5. weigh between 105-110
6. not drink soda
7. have longer hair
8. have healthier hair
9. have the perfect cosmetics and beauty products without needing to "use anything up"/use healthier products without sulfates and parabens
10. have all my diary entries from growing up typed up and papers disposed of
11. scan all papers I can
12. eat less pasta and more vegetables
13. have more friends
14. have more hobbies
15. be more creative
16. not be afraid to take care of things (make phone calls, set up appointments, etc.)
17. have a nice wardrobe
         lots of scarves
         lots of skinny jeans
         loose fitting, baggy shirts
         layering pieces
         maybe a leather jacket
         some dressy clothes 
18. do yoga on a regular basis
19. drink more tea
20. learn more about tea
21. experiment more with cooking
22. maybe read more
23. not be so anxious
24. eat less salty foods
25. be happy with my room
26. take better care of my teeth
27. not have as many keepsakes/find a solution for them

That's about all I got for now. So do I work to be more like my fantasy self or accept who I am? What I want to be really isn't very farfetched so maybe I'll try to become my fantasy self.

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