Monday, September 26, 2011

My fantasy self edited

So a couple weeks ago I wrote a post about our "fantasy selves". I had a class the other day (PE) and my teacher told us to set goals, and when setting goals, don't be vague. Eat better is very vague. I realized I need to do this with my fantasy self or else I will never get there. What I strike through is what I've accomplished. So here it goes:

- have all my diary entries from growing up typed up and papers disposed of
- scan all papers I can
- not have as many keepsakes/find a solution for them

- eat more vegetables
- stop eating out of vending machines
- not drink soda/drink more water
- do yoga 2-3 times a week
- drink tea 3-4 times a week
- try 1 new recipe a month
- weigh between 105-110
- brush my teeth at night, floss, and use mouthwash

- straighten my hair every day 
- take biotin daily and once my hair length goal is met trim frequently

- have a best friend
- find a creative outlet
- not be afraid to take care of things (make phone calls, set up appointments, etc.)
  ( I feel like I've met this one for the most part. Sometimes there's a call I need to make I'm anxious about, but  generally I feel this is met)
- read 1 book a month
- remain calm in stressful situations

- get my feather tattoo
- have a nice wardrobe
(I decided I like what I have. I'd still like to add a little, but what I have now is good.)

So there's my list. Somewhat more condensed. More to the point and achievable.

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