Tuesday, September 20, 2011


So I don't know if I've mentioned this in the past, but I want to be financially independent from my mom. In this situation getting off her phone line. Right now I have an iPhone 4. I will be going on to Daniel's line. For odd reasons he has the most basic phone line on his plan right now and it isn't being used. I'll go on that one. I'm going to switch phones to a very basic old phone. I really don't have the money for even the most basic iPhone plan. It's going to be a big challenge making the switch. I'm mostly worried about not having internet. I use that all the time to look stuff up. A lot of the time important stuff. I have a gps so I'm good in that department. So yesterday when I went to drop off my sister (we went to see a movie) I went in to see my mom. She looked really rough. Like she really doesn't care about anything anymore. She was even smoking in the house. We've had that house since 2007 and she's never smoked in it. So we were on the search for this certain old basic phone. Eventually I realized the broken pieces in the drawer that resembled a phone were that phone. So I grabbed this other one that was in there. I hope it works. I only have a car charger so I'm going to charge it on the way to school.

When I was about to leave I told my mom like 3 times I was going to leave and she didn't even listen to me. The third time she finally was paying attention to me. When I was on my way out she asked why I was switching and maybe I should just not use the data plan on my iphone (and stay on their line). I told her there was no way to do that because it's so connected to the internet. Then I told her I was going off of her plan because she acted like they really couldn't handle it. Then she just walked away upset so I left. I mean what the hell?? She tells me all the time the phone bill is like $300. I don't want to be reliant on her. I know she's having a hard time with me moving out, but maybe she should talk to me or call me sometimes instead of wanting me to stay on her phone line that she complains about me not paying my part. I'm growing up. It makes me really sad how she's handling this. I honestly feel like she doesn't care about me. She's upset about the idea that she's down a kid. She doesn't think about me. It really makes me sad. I mean when I go over there I honestly feel like the adult and I have it together more than she does. I mean she really hasn't been present in a lot of my life. My entire life she's either worked, complained about life, cleaned, and then recently gone to apple bees every night. Maybe she should've tried harder to be in my life. I understand the working part. But if she disciplined us the house wouldn't look at nearly bad as it does. She really does it to herself though. I've told her TONS of times to take stuff away (phone, computer, whatever) but she never does. So like I've said before I'm done helping her. She wouldn't take advice from me if I was on my death bed. That's just how she is. Sometimes I don't even know if there's a person in there.

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