Monday, April 1, 2013

Warmer weather

I always get really giddy as spring comes around. I always plan on what I want to do that spring/summer. This year I'd like to go camping, go to six flags, go to Florida, lose weight (which I've already started), plant a garden in our backyard, and possibly paint the exterior of the house. The first four are my priority.

I'm not usually a summer person, but I'm wondering if it's because I've never had a summer where I've felt good about my body. I usually hate wearing bathing suits and shorts. I literally go most of my summer in jeans. I'm hoping to change that this year. I'm tired of wallowing in self loathing and feeling sorry for myself. That gets you nowhere! I feel like I'm starting to see results. Which is awesome since the last couple days I haven't been eating that great. We made cupcakes (to get them out of the house). Daniels mom slipped the box of cupcakes in our food to bring over to the new house even though she's the one that bought them. I felt bad throwing them away so I made them. Also Daniel had me pick up two boxes of pizza Saturday night. I should've said no, or got chinese,or just one box. I've also been drinking beer too :( but hey! I'm not giving up! I can't wait until the pizza and cupcakes are gone. I thought about bringing the cupcakes to work, but I decided not to. They'll probably be the last sweets I eat for a while until my birthday cake this month :D

I'm getting very excited. I'm one of those people that loves my birthday, and I always end up having a really good time. I don't know what I want to do this year yet. I wanted to go to six flags, but I don't know if everyone will be able to afford it. I'll just have to think about it. But I hope to be in pretty good shape then! I've got to get better about my diet slip ups and willpower. Well I'd love to write more but I've got to go to work :(

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