Sunday, April 28, 2013


Man I'm inspired to like make a new blog and actually put some effort into it. Get a cool design, care about my grammar, take cool pictures. I just always see these blogs that are what the non-lazy part of me wants my blog to be. I mean like I've said before, this is more of a public journal. I'd probably move to a different website if I were to do that. Because I would probably keep my same "handle" if it's called that. Possibly. I may change it, but I have no idea what to. I'm gonna think about this. It could be a while.

I need to take better pictures on my instagram too.

On another note, I haven't been doing so great in the diet department. I'm not too upset with myself though, because I planned for it to be that way on my birthday redo, which was much better than the first, by the way. I had some indulgences, but now it's time to jump back on the old healthy horse. We're actually kind of low on fruit and vegetables, so I'm hoping I can make it at least 2 days without having to go shopping. It's kind of fun going grocery shopping once a week. I mean we don't have a set day or anything, but we tend to go once a week. Our pantry is becoming very bare, which I'm happy about. Because when you think about the kind of stuff people store in their pantries, it's usually the unhealthy stuff like pasta, crackers, and chips. Man we have so many condiments! We actually do use most of them, but there are also one's we don't use. This includes steak sauce, some sweet and sour sauce, a meat and fish sauce, honey mustard, and a crap load of hot sauce. I mean yes I do enjoy the hot sauce, but I don't use it very often. And it I had to guess I'd say we have around 12 bottles. About 8 of them are really skinny maybe 4 oz at the most. It came in this set Daniel's mom got us for Christmas, which I appreciated since it was consumable.

I've started wanting to be more minimal in the clothing department again lately. I read this article today about wearing 10 basic clothing items. I didn't quite do that. What I did was go through my pants and shirts and do a quick "is this one of my favorite things". If I hesitated I put it in a different pile. The article suggests putting it in storage. I didn't do that I simply took everything off the hangers and folded the rest and put them on the shelves in my closet. I'm going to try and wear what I have hanging, occasionally pulling the stuff on the shelves. I'm hoping this will help me realize what I wear and don't wear. I mean a lot of the stuff I wear is stuff that I don't necessarily want to wear. I wear it because I've worn all of my favorite things and haven't done laundry yet.

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