Saturday, April 20, 2013

Just writing

The weather is being weird. It feels like winter again for a day. But I'm sure it'll be warmer tomorrow. My birthday is on Wednesday! Still have no idea what I want besides a tattoo, but I don't think we can afford that right now.

I didn't work out today. I would've liked to, but my shoulder is so sore for some reason. I really don't know why it would be sore. The only thing I do to engage my shoulders is plank. I also do this weird video from blogilates involving laying on your back and doing a bunch of pelvic thrusts, which could possibly be it, but who knows. I'll just try to eat healthy today. I ate a couple bad meals the last few days. It sucks, because most of the time when I've been eating bad lately it's been to get food out of the house. (Atleast I know my willpower is still there!) Daniel won't let me throw the food out. We still have 2 boxes of triscuits, some packaged pasta (sauce included), french fries (which I won't eat Daniel wanted those), some battered fish, 2 cans of vegetarian canned chili (which wasn't very good, we have some rice. I bought white and brown, the white for Daniel. But so far we haven't used it. I really thought we would for some reason. I'm sure there's other stuff we have too.

I'd like to significantly cut back on the amount of carbs I've been eating. Mostly bread. I've been trying to cut out dairy when I can too. So I stopped buying greek yogurt, and I've been eating oatmeal instead. I bought two boxes of not really good for you oatmeal that I'm trying to go through. After that I'd like to buy steel cut oats, but we'll see. I really haven't been eating any cheese. I'll have a little bit of milk in my tea sometimes. I've been using cinnamon A LOT. It's supposed to help you lose fat. I'll put it in my tea and oatmeal. I've been trying to drink green tea too lately.

I've been looking at boards on Pinterest labeled "Summer". That's really my motivation. It keeps me going imagining how I'll feel when I'm not self conscious at the beach or poolside. I can't wait to make healthy decisions. I know that sounds weird, but I feel like people eat bad in the summer. Ice cream, cook outs, freeze pops, McDonalds. Cook outs and beer will be a weak spot for me, I know that. But I'm just thinking about how whenever I go to Florida I always feel like crap! All we eat when we go is fast food when you want to look your best. I'm saying no to that feeling.

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