Thursday, March 28, 2013

Just relaxing

I just took a way too hot bath with a couple Guinnesses in me. Not a good combo. Still trying to cool down a little bit, but I'm really relaxed which is good.

I'm proud of myself. Lately, I've been working out a bit and eating better :) and actually sticking with it. I've had a few slip ups here and there, but that's ok. You can't only eat healthy food, you'll go crazy. You've got to have a couple soul fulfilling meals. My logic which I'm hoping I'll stick by is "Don't give up." Think about it. Most people after having a binge (when previously eating healthy for a short time period) will give up, because they failed that once. But you can't let that knock you down. If you eat a crappy meal or two, continuing to work out and eat healthy will overcome that.

What's got me motivated is summer. I HATE dreading summer or pool parties because of how I look and feel in a bathing suite. Not having that feeling is worth the waking up earlier to work out and continue eating healthy throughout the day. I'd love to know if I've lost any weight, but we don't have a scale. And honestly, I think I'm gaining muscle which weighs more than fat. But I think I have lost weight. Maybe not a ton, but some. I've pretty much cut out soda. I really haven't had very much and if I have, it's been diet. I've been drinking water and tea mostly. With some cranberry juice and beer thrown in there. For breakfast I've either been eating 2 clementines (or cuties) and a banana, cereal (off brand honey nut clusters or whatever it's called) with a banana, or oatmeal. But mostly the first two. I'm gonna try to remember to buy greek yogurt next time we go shopping. With some berries. Either blueberries or strawberries. I know fruit is supposed to be "healthy", but not in high amounts. Apparently oats are supposed to help speed up your metabolism though. Weird.

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