Thursday, August 25, 2011

So a lot has happened since my last post

That's actually why my last post was so short because she told me as I was writing it. My mother in law bought me a car! It's the car I've been wanting! So yeah I'm very thankful for that! But now I'm worried. I don't have the title. The last few days we've been trying to get it and the guy who sold us the car is being difficult. Luckily my mom has a cop friend and got him to run the vin # to make sure it wasn't stolen. Very thankfully it wasn't. The guy bought it from a dealership and resold it (he left the bill of sale in the car). I guess the dealership still had the title. He told us yesterday that the title would be ready today. We call today and "someone was in the hospital" so he didn't get it today. This is getting really sketchy. The bill of sale is also really sketchy. We still need his address. We met him outside of his really nice apartment complex by target in Atlanta, so we kinda know where he lives. It's just really, really making my anxiety bad. But luckily my MIL has me insured on her policy. I need to print out the info though so I can put the card in my car.

Man I can't take all this uncertainty! It's absolutely killing my anxiety! I really wish I could go on medication but I obviously can't afford it. Since I've moved in with Daniel and his mom I've only been able to sleep until my normal time of 10:30 twice. I keep getting anxious and I wake up too early. I've been up since like 7. I don't have to be to school until 2. Besides having some homework it would've been the perfect day to sleep in. My anxiety is definitely getting worse. Before it didn't come up all that often. Maybe a couple of instances a week. Now it's every day. My accounting class really isn't helping.

Daniel is trying to help me calm down and sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes I tell myself to calm down and everything will work out. It doesn't work. Ughh... Here's the chain of events that needs to happen for what I think will make me feel better.

1. Get the title to my car
2. Get my car registered
3. Work more hours or get a different job
4. Pay for my own gas
5. Pay Daniel's mom back for my car
6. Go on anxiety medicine
7. Do well on my accounting test
8. Get my wisdom teeth out

I also owe my mom for books and maybe tires? idk though. I'm hoping she'll let it go. Especially the tires since I'm not even driving that car.

What's frustrating is I haven't even worked any shifts yet. I have two this weekend that I won't make any money. I did the math and almost all of my paycheck would be going to gas if i was working the SAME amount I was before. This sucks so much... I really can't handle all of this.

On top of that my mom bought ANOTHER dog. I mean COME ON!! She complains about having to clean up dog pee all the time.  Well guess what? That amount is going to double since it's a puppy! I really think she has lost her mind. I didn't even pay the dog the time of day. I told her I hope she knows what shes doing and that she needs to get rid of the other dog, but it doesn't matter. Now at that house there are 4 dogs and 2 cats. Really low maintenance.

I really wish I had my crap together right now. That's what gets me the most is not knowing what the outcome is when stability will come. I really don't deal with change well.

On a better note I'm very thankful for Daniel and his mom. Without them I'd probably be in a fetal position in the corner right now lol. They both have helped me very much. They're making getting through all these things possible. I'm very thankful Sandi (his mom) bought me a car. Incredibly thankful. Now I don't need to save up for a car but pay one off. Which is much better in my opinion.

I really don't want to go to school today. All I'm doing is going to pe and watching a movie in my lit and film class and I still don't want to go. Maybe I'm getting depressed who knows.

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