Tuesday, August 30, 2011


The following is a post that the girl at everyday minimalist wrote. It really speaks to me. I posted this on my facebook a while ago and it somehow felt appropriate to post again.

The Hidden Costs of Having Stuff

… go far beyond just the price of the items.
We also have to deal with the consequences of having stuff.
We have to:
  • Move it out of the way
  • Clean it when it gets dirty
  • Organize it so it looks clean
  • Carry it with us
  • Travel with it
  • Work to pay for it
  • Store it in storage locations or in hidden parts of our homes
  • Repair it when it gets broken or ruined
  • Protect it from kids, pets and other sticky fingers
  • Get attached to it
  • Replace it when it gets broken
  • Try to find room for new stuff among our old stuff
  • Be careful with it on a regular basis
  • Go into debt for it
  • Record the transactions for it
  • Balance your accounts for it
  • Stress out over it
  • Feel emotionally overwhelmed with too much of it
  • Leave it for your family who will have to deal with it after death
  • Secure it, in fear of it getting stolen
Quite a list, wouldn’t you say?
All for stuff.
I am on board with having stuff as long as it brings some sort of meaning and use to your life, but don’t waste your breath, energy and life taking care of, and storing things that don’t matter.

I think my minimalism will come in handy when it comes to paying things off. Daniels mom recently bought me a car as I've mentioned. She hasn't said anything about paying her back. So she's not pressuring me, but it's hanging over my head. I don't like being in debt to people. Don't get me wrong I am very thankful, I just feel bad that I can't pay her back right now.

I want to be independent. It just kills me that I can't be right now. I guess I don't really have a choice but to accept that I can't do this right now.

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