Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Gotta vent

Lately I've been so stressed out. My anxiety is getting to me. Especially about school. I keep waking up really early for no reason. Yesterday my car broke down at school when I was getting my parking pass. It stalled half way out of the parking spot and I had to get some people to help me push it back into place. Great way to start school. I'm just happy I got there. And what class was I going to? Accounting. It's accounting 1 and 2 combined into one semester so I go 3 times a week for 2 hours each day. I know accounting is hard. Daniel who makes great grades had a hard time with it. I'm just glad I have relatively easy classes so I can focus most of my attention on that. So after my class Daniel came to help me fix it. We couldn't get it. We tried for what felt like an hour or so. So then we called my mom who just got done putting a contract on another house. She came and actually fixed it within like 10 minutes. She unplugged some connection around the gas tank and it worked. I was so thankful. Getting off of that high of my car being fixed, my tire started shredding on the highway. I will say though that the car was acting kind of funny on the way to school. It was shaking A LOT way more than it usually does.

Anyway so as I'm driving I heard something loud slapping against my car. I thought I ran over something then saw black stuff flying behind me. But I knew I didn't see anything before which is why I was confused. So luckily I was in the right lane and nobody was near me so I was able to pull off pretty easily. I called Daniel who was driving ahead of me and my mom who was way behind me. (Daniel didn't see it happen cause he was a few hundred feet ahead of me.) So he had to turn around for me. My mom stopped to get gas so she actually got to me first because she didn't have to turn around. After 20 minutes of cars driving past us instead of getting in the right lane and me crying (I was in shock. I know I'm very thankful nothing worse happened and I was able to control the car). They came up with the idea that we drive in the shoulder until we got to walmart to get it fixed. Luckily we were probably only 3 or 4 miles away from the exit. Daniel drove in front of me and my mom drove behind me. I was TERRIFIED. One of them probably would of drove my car but they both drive manuals. And I wouldn't be able to drive theirs back. When we finally got there we ended up getting 2 tires replaced because the passengers side tire was probably going to burst at any time. But something good is that my car isn't shaking at all anymore! It was shaking like crazy before. Also the alignment it like perfect now. Before it veered to the right A LOT. But that's fixed too. I can't believe the tires made that much of a difference.

Oh yeah I forgot to mention my tire didn't completely explode I was able to drive it but you could see the metal in the tire. Anyway, I was stressed out on top of that because my mom was complaining about the price and was bargaining with them. I know I can't pay here back right now. On top of that again, I found out that I need NEW accounting books. Everything together will cost about $300. Then I need my PE book which will be $70 if I get a used one. So $370. Ugh. I'm gonna keep that (accounting book) thing in pristine condition so I can sell it as new on amazon.

I'm gonna miss Daniel today. I didn't get to spend much time with him yesterday if you don't count working on the car. I won't be able to see him until after 5 today cause I have school and he has work. Ugh. Well I guess I'm gonna go take a shower. I got class at 2.

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