Sunday, April 28, 2013


Man I'm inspired to like make a new blog and actually put some effort into it. Get a cool design, care about my grammar, take cool pictures. I just always see these blogs that are what the non-lazy part of me wants my blog to be. I mean like I've said before, this is more of a public journal. I'd probably move to a different website if I were to do that. Because I would probably keep my same "handle" if it's called that. Possibly. I may change it, but I have no idea what to. I'm gonna think about this. It could be a while.

I need to take better pictures on my instagram too.

On another note, I haven't been doing so great in the diet department. I'm not too upset with myself though, because I planned for it to be that way on my birthday redo, which was much better than the first, by the way. I had some indulgences, but now it's time to jump back on the old healthy horse. We're actually kind of low on fruit and vegetables, so I'm hoping I can make it at least 2 days without having to go shopping. It's kind of fun going grocery shopping once a week. I mean we don't have a set day or anything, but we tend to go once a week. Our pantry is becoming very bare, which I'm happy about. Because when you think about the kind of stuff people store in their pantries, it's usually the unhealthy stuff like pasta, crackers, and chips. Man we have so many condiments! We actually do use most of them, but there are also one's we don't use. This includes steak sauce, some sweet and sour sauce, a meat and fish sauce, honey mustard, and a crap load of hot sauce. I mean yes I do enjoy the hot sauce, but I don't use it very often. And it I had to guess I'd say we have around 12 bottles. About 8 of them are really skinny maybe 4 oz at the most. It came in this set Daniel's mom got us for Christmas, which I appreciated since it was consumable.

I've started wanting to be more minimal in the clothing department again lately. I read this article today about wearing 10 basic clothing items. I didn't quite do that. What I did was go through my pants and shirts and do a quick "is this one of my favorite things". If I hesitated I put it in a different pile. The article suggests putting it in storage. I didn't do that I simply took everything off the hangers and folded the rest and put them on the shelves in my closet. I'm going to try and wear what I have hanging, occasionally pulling the stuff on the shelves. I'm hoping this will help me realize what I wear and don't wear. I mean a lot of the stuff I wear is stuff that I don't necessarily want to wear. I wear it because I've worn all of my favorite things and haven't done laundry yet.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

My birthday was a bust :(

Not because I didn't get any cool presents or nobody remembered or anything, but I got sick as a dog :( I went to this soup and salad place called Sweet Tomatoes. Last time I went there I get sick also, but I was hoping this time would be different. Nope. This time I ate a salad and literally started to feel that horrible, horrible feeling in my gut 10 minutes after swallowing it. That pain (which I ingested at around noon) would end up staying with me literally until I went to bed at midnight. By that time it had subsided a little bit, but was still present. Man it was horrible! I ended up throwing up in the cvs parking lot on the way to get pepto bismol. Then again once we got home literally in the yard cause I couldn't make it inside. NEVER AGAIN will I eat there!! I don't think my stomach can handle salads or something. Cause that's the 3rd time I've puked from eating a salad.

What really sucks is all week I was so stoked to go to this awesome Pub called Old Blind Dog in Atlanta for dinner. First off the only friend that said he originally could go ended up getting caught up at work. And second I could barely even eat it hurt so bad! All I wanted was a beer and some good food. I ate half a sandwich and maybe a 4th of a beer. Ugh I don't even want to think about it.

All that did though was make me thankful for the days I'm feeling good like today. I feel much, much better. Also I'm thankful that I have an entire weekend off (that I asked for) to possibly go to six flags (if it doesn't rain) with friends and have a good time. I need it after yesterday. I can't wait for the weekend!! :)

Sunday, April 21, 2013


I'm feeling so down. All because Daniel and I started talking about music. He was talking about his favorite band, which got me thinking about mine The Sound of Animals Fighting. I just get mad when I think about it. They came out with 3 albums, then dropped off the face of the earth. I really feel like it's like being in a relationship. It reminds me of 500 Days of Summer. You fall in love with someone and then they drop you, like you never happened.

I try not to think about the band much. Maybe I'm crazy, or selfish. It's just when something is so good, and makes you feel a certain way, you can't help but be attached to it.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Just writing

The weather is being weird. It feels like winter again for a day. But I'm sure it'll be warmer tomorrow. My birthday is on Wednesday! Still have no idea what I want besides a tattoo, but I don't think we can afford that right now.

I didn't work out today. I would've liked to, but my shoulder is so sore for some reason. I really don't know why it would be sore. The only thing I do to engage my shoulders is plank. I also do this weird video from blogilates involving laying on your back and doing a bunch of pelvic thrusts, which could possibly be it, but who knows. I'll just try to eat healthy today. I ate a couple bad meals the last few days. It sucks, because most of the time when I've been eating bad lately it's been to get food out of the house. (Atleast I know my willpower is still there!) Daniel won't let me throw the food out. We still have 2 boxes of triscuits, some packaged pasta (sauce included), french fries (which I won't eat Daniel wanted those), some battered fish, 2 cans of vegetarian canned chili (which wasn't very good, we have some rice. I bought white and brown, the white for Daniel. But so far we haven't used it. I really thought we would for some reason. I'm sure there's other stuff we have too.

I'd like to significantly cut back on the amount of carbs I've been eating. Mostly bread. I've been trying to cut out dairy when I can too. So I stopped buying greek yogurt, and I've been eating oatmeal instead. I bought two boxes of not really good for you oatmeal that I'm trying to go through. After that I'd like to buy steel cut oats, but we'll see. I really haven't been eating any cheese. I'll have a little bit of milk in my tea sometimes. I've been using cinnamon A LOT. It's supposed to help you lose fat. I'll put it in my tea and oatmeal. I've been trying to drink green tea too lately.

I've been looking at boards on Pinterest labeled "Summer". That's really my motivation. It keeps me going imagining how I'll feel when I'm not self conscious at the beach or poolside. I can't wait to make healthy decisions. I know that sounds weird, but I feel like people eat bad in the summer. Ice cream, cook outs, freeze pops, McDonalds. Cook outs and beer will be a weak spot for me, I know that. But I'm just thinking about how whenever I go to Florida I always feel like crap! All we eat when we go is fast food when you want to look your best. I'm saying no to that feeling.

Sunday, April 14, 2013


Living room at night. Too much sun exposure during the day.

What the living room looks like normally

Dining room. I love our beer signs.

The forever green bunch of bananas

Kitchen counter. There's some raw Georgia honey on there. There's tea and oatmeal in the canisters. We almost never use that Keurig.

Dishes in the sink, pretty average.

Like these pictures of people actually living?

Laundry room with some art :)

View from the stairs.

My office/workout/craft/makeup/whatever room

And during the day.

Our precious kitty Theo sleeping.

Dayshot of laundry room. I love leaving these "people actually live here" touches.

Trader Joes' Simplicity

We went to Trader Joe's today as a fun Sunday thing to do. I love that place. I wish it weren't like 30 minutes away. We mostly bought some seasonings. We got like 4 including a Himalayan salt grinder thing. We also got some beer, I got some organic tofu (it was seriously only a dollar something!), turkey burgers, blueberries, strawberries, quinoa, lentil chips, and some organic green tea. I would've got more produce, but we don't really need any at the moment.

What I love about trader joes besides the fact that a lot of it is organic and cheap, is that it's so simple! The store itself is pretty small, and they have a small selection to choose from. Sounds bad, but it is so awesome. Grocery stores are so overwhelming! Even Whole Foods is really overwhelming. But TJ has anything you would need in a small area. I just love how simple it is. The prices are also amazing, like I already said. I really wish it were closer because I would do all of our shopping there.

We also tried out this place called Which Wich, which was a sandwich place. It was really cool you pick a brown paper bag which has the ingredients listed on it, and you pick what you want to put on there. They have so many base options. I got a black bean patty with lots of veggies. It was the perfect size, really good, and healthy! There's one in Buford, so I think we will definitely be going back there.

I think I've finally broken the habit of eating horrible. I mean I'm nowhere near health nut, but I really have been enjoying eating healthier! I just got to the point where I really could not stand how I looked and felt. I hit a breaking point. I'm glad I did, because I feel great now. I haven't hit my goal yet, but I'm getting there. It makes me really happy, because it's something I've wanted to do for a long time. I've pretty much kicked my soda habit. I only say pretty much because I've been drinking diet soda with vodka or rum, when I have a mixed drink. Which I really haven't even been having very often. But that's the only time I've been drinking it. I haven't even been craving it, which is weird. I've had a bottle of diet coke in the fridge (for rum) for like a week and a half or so now and haven't touched it (except for rum). It's probably flat by now. I've just been drinking water, hot tea, and the occasional cranberry juice.

I wouldn't be surprised if all the fruit I've been eating has been satisfying my craving for soda. Cause that used to be the only "sweets" I would have, since I don't have much of a sweet tooth. But man, did I crave soda all the time. Even fast food I really haven't been craving. The way I feel afterwords prevents me from wanting it.

Anyway despite being a dreary, rainy day it was a pretty good one. Wish I had more than one day off a week so we could do this more often.

Friday, April 12, 2013


I think I'm starting to plateau. It doesn't help that I've been unable to say no to alcohol the last two nights. I haven't been eating as good. The night before yesterday I had two (tiny) turkey burgers and a giant sweet potato (probably more of 3/4 of it). But it had a bunch of ketchup and pickles :( I gotta start getting better about that. I usually work out in the morning, but I haven't this morning because I started my period and I'm really not feeling up to it. I don't have to work out every day right? I'll just work out tomorrow since I have to work a double today.

It sucks because I feel like I should still be losing some sort of fat and I don't think I am. I really wish I had a scale. I mean I have definitely been eating better and working out, so you'd think that'd be enough to lose a little. Maybe I have and just don't notice. I've just gotta stick to that jump rope I guess. I was planning on that anyway. But I didn't do it yesterday, because the day before I jump roped for a while. Therefore, my muscles were really sore yesterday. I could hardly walk let alone jump rope. It was weird though cause only one leg hurt. The other one was fine, but it was doing the same amount of work so who knows. I'm proud of myself though kind of (Cause I did end up drinking a crap load of beer). Daniel really wanted to get a pizza or something unhealthy, but I talked us out of it and we got one of those hot rotisserie chickens and ate some broccoli with it. Better than eating a pizza with all the beer.

You know what, I think I am actually losing fat. It's just slowly and I'm not noticing it. Cause I just looked in the mirror and I could tell. I'm just proud of myself for starting so early. I started in the beginning of march I believe. I still have the rest of April and May which should be plenty of time. Especially since I'm gonna start doing that jump rope (cardio burns fat). (I've used it 2/3 days I've had it already).

I really need to start eating even better though. Like no carbs when I eat vegetables, less oil, no crazy condiments (some, just low carb). Apparently, carbs are really where it's at when it comes to gaining weight. Even moreso than fat apparently, which I'm shocked by.

My breakfast really wasn't super healthy today. I had a rather big bowl of honey bunches of oats with almonds. But I really wanted to finish it to get it out of the house. Omg I bought these bananas like 5 days ago and they're still not ripe! I put them in a sunny spot in the house so maybe that'll work. It sucks cause I've eaten some snacks I didn't want to when I could've had a banana instead. I guess I know for next time. I thought bananas took like 2 days to go from green to yellow. Apparently not.

I've been trying to drink more green tea. It's supposed to speed us your metabolism. I'm gonna try putting some cinnamon in there today, cause that's supposed to help too.