Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Taking a step backwords, and I'm ok with it.

So I bought an xbox 360. What comes with buying a game system? Accessories, controllers, cables, games. But I'm actually ok with it. Since becoming "minimalist" or "pseudo-minimalist"my hobbies have kind of dwindled. I used to paint and draw a lot, but I just don't anymore. It doesn't make me as happy as it used to. When I'm not with Daniel, I spend a lot of time on the computer looking up stuff about minimalism and interior design. It's also not uncommon in find me just sitting in my room trying to come up with what I can get rid of next. It gets kind of pathetic.

On the other side, Daniel loves his xbox. We do not live together (if you weren't aware). Since I didn't have one, I couldn't enjoy that with him. Sure he had a few friends that would play, but since we're all growing older and needing to work more, syncing time is kind of difficult. So I thought, hmm I could bond with my fiance when he's at home, it would give me a hobby, and it would keep me from obsessing over my bedroom. Sounds good to me. The way I look at this is that if I'm going to use it, then why not? I'd been thinking about it for a while, but deciding to buy it was somewhat spontaneous.

In my opinion, minimalism is really what you make of it. I think the barebones of what it means is "to make your life simpler and live without excess". I don't think we all have to get rid of our tv and coffee tables to be considered minimalist. My goal is so get down to only what I use and love. Not to see how little I can survive on. Hence the title of my blog.

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