Friday, February 18, 2011

New pics

I vacuumed my room, dusted, and picked everything up plus it was sunny so I thought I'd take a few pictures.

My bed along with bedstand table. Probably don't "need" it but the lamp next to my bed is nice. Underneath is a basket with my controllers, earplugs, and cough drops (getting over a cold).

Here you can see my non-minimalist set-up. Complete with tv, satellite receiver, blu-ray player, record player, xbox 360 and a couple blu-rays and games. There's a few c.d.s up there too.

Here's my desk again. There's the caddy I took a picture of the other night. The entertainment thing that was in the last pic is kind off peeking though in this one.
Closet doors. I need a pic of my closet. I wanted to take one but there were some things in there I'm wanting to get rid off and didn't want those in the picture.

On the right is the closet from the last picture. On the left is the door to the attic thing I was talking about. And to the left of that is my bed stand table and bed.

So there you go. Almost a complete 360 of my room. The only thing really missing is the rest of the wall my bed is on with the big window. So like I said, it's not super minimalist, but somewhat minimal. I'm slowly getting closer to my goal.

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